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09.30 ride

edited July 2013 in Club runs
Ahoy me hearties
peg leg CP is back , pushing on one leg

09.30 3 tuns
CTJ carrying an injury as well
check out distance in the morning , but probably steady 17 mph

I will also be bringing some new gels to try if you wish
not in final packaging, but interested in your views

see you for a glorious ride



  • another good one
    48 miles at 17.5mph

    good to see John back on the bike
    ( and being devious with the time keeping in true pirate fashion )

    my peg leg slowly coming back to life

    pirate potion worked , now needs the magic delivery system
    more to come

    crew all worked well
    see you next week

  • Glad to hear peg leg is functioning Cap'n. Yesterday managed 60 miles in the HautAlpes mountains, today 55 miles of torture climbing 3000 metres in 35C heat.....need two peg legs now and new heart like Davy Jones in Pirates of the Caribbean.
    Tomorrow riding hilly time trial stage that Froome should win Wednedsay then on Thursday we aim for Le Geant de Provence....Ventoux. Everton Hill will never be the same. Good luck to all shipmates in forthcoming voyage to France. Highly recommended raid here to Provence.

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