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BH Mon 09.30 ride

edited August 2013 in General
Ahoy all comers
Leaving 3 tuns at 09.30
back for 12ish, 17 mph, nice and steady as she goes

not sure I understand Blue egg route
put happy to meet up if that works



  • Capt.

    Blue Egg is a cafe in Essex - about a 73 mile round trip from Ashwell - won't be back for lunch.

    Happy to do a shorter ride that gets back around noon.

  • Ok , in that case we will do a normal run at 09.30
    40 miles , back for 12 ish
    keep separate

  • Intend to do the route planned for Sunday
    Barkway , Chrishall , fowlmere
    good route down the lanes
    40mph at 17 mph, back for 12

  • a fine crew set sail
    fair maiden on board gave a relaxed journey
    Nick was holed below the water line with 4 miles to go
    other than that sun shone and good route
    40miles at about 16 - 17 mph

  • edited August 2013
    Well enjoyed. Cheers ears
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