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09.30 Sun ride

edited August 2013 in Club runs
pinch, punch, first of the month
09.30 , 40 miles , 17 mph
worry not I will appear at 09.30
but will the birthday boy ?



  • In dry dock this morning shipmates, undergoing repairs.
    Boat turned over in Camden this week, throwing me overboard and causing my mainbrace to splinter.
    Ship's physician was keen to saw off the injured item, but on reflection advised a week in port.
    Back next week, hopefully

  • Hope your leaks below the water line repair soon !

    Birthday boy in dry dock, but still got a pirates sea chanty

    Barley, Barkway, Buntingford
    40 miles rolling hills , back for 12
    good sunny ride

    had to point out the finish line to a crew member after a front lead out
    what a difference 2 feet make :-)

    coffee in the sunshine
    good start to Sept

  • Arrr is a barnacle ridden sea dog captain that sends his crew the other way whilst he nabs the treasure for himself.

    Me main sail had plenty of room for some extra wind for the battle but all I got was the captains hot air as he plotted his treacherous course

    Thinks the captain has a hull full of cunning tricks to nab the honest sailor
  • A scare believable tale of the Cap'n making the crew break their backs over the oars before grabbing the doubloons for himself at the last.

    This suggests it's a rarity indeed for the Cap'n to appear towards the prow of the Black Pig other than for the first and last nautical mile!

    Mutinous talk ye swabs!

  • pull on them oars swabs !
    Captain wants some more booty
    a extra ration of rum if you work hard enough

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