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Over the Horizon

edited November 2013 in Club runs
Ahoy me hearties

At last Sunday looks a go !
09.30 am 3 tuns
come all ye wounded, lame and forgotten ,
time to reappear

winter bikes and winter speeds
15mph , 35 - 40 miles

hoist the jolly roger
luvly jubbly



  • Ahoy Cap'n and fellow scurvy crew

    Not around again this weekend as I've press-ganged the family to sail with me to Manchester to watch the World Cup.

    If they don't like it they can walk the plank....arrrrrrrrr!

    Seeing yet another ship's surgeon this week for further prognosis on the hook. Might struggle to keep up with the Black Pig after 10 weeks off.

  • Hi James

    Thanks. I will find a Buy Now bike and see you there.

  • Ahoy

    supposed to be dry with a westerly
    we will head into the wind and see how we go
    was going to do a 2 bridges variant , but closed the bridge
    so out via baldock, preston , loop back through letchworth gate ... maybe
    it is sheltered that way

    see in the morning
  • thanks for letting me tag along even though i dont speak a word of pirate lingo...trundled on a bit longer for 80 windy miles :-)
  • the pig set sail in majestic splendour
    40 miles at 15.5mph
    felt a bit faster than that , but preston , st pauls warden and hexton all in the mix

    plenty of sunshine and hedgerows so enjoyable ride

    no pirate rhyme required for entry
    the pig always has room a plenty

    so leave you cares and facial frowns
    on the pig we all wear crowns

    at the end just before lunchie
    we share a coffee and a crunchie

    see you next week
  • Thanks to all of you for a good ride and also thanks to James for coffee on our return! Route and roads were great, no rain and no too windy. Look forward to seeing you all next time. Rupert
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