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Mountain bike disc brakes + other bike repairs

edited November 2013 in General
Recently bought a bike from chainreaction, which didn't have the brakes set up ( no oil in them !.) The last mountain bike i'd bought had calipers,
and although i'd had a google and found out how to d.i.y , chainreaction said they would cover the cost of a rectifying the problem.

I found the following guy www.dtscycleservices.co.uk in letchworth who came out to me at work, collected the bike, repaired it and returned it the following
morning for alot less than trisports had quoted. His a fully qualified mike mechanic who's been trading for about a year, so i thought i'd give him a plug on here.


  • Mike and his Mechanics are repairing Bikes! does he sing too? don't blame you shopping around as Bike labour can be as expensive, like taking your car for a service. Bleeding brakes can be a bit anal especially with Avid Brakes.

  • As she pours herself Another Cup of Coffee .... he always did his best to make her cry ... always knew one day they'd say goodbye ....
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