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Ashwell Promavera RR Sunday 18th MAy

edited May 2008 in Road Racing
I wrote a long report about the 4th Cat race that when I tried to upload to the forum bombed horribly and I lost the lot. I can't face typing it all again so the saliant points are
1/ 6 Ashwell rider took part
2/ Will came 10th - 1 point & a prize
3/ Andy Irons nearly go a 1/2 lap break for 5th place, but got caught
4/ Thanks to Carmello for organising it all and the helpers for making it happen. Another superb 4th cat race

I had to leave straight away, so didn't see the 2/3 race, can someone else please try and add a report

Cheers Trahern


  • Further to Carmelo's thank you email yesterday evening.

    Carmelo, I think we as a club should be thanking you. You put yourself forward to do the tough job of organising which:
    1. means the club can affiliate to the ERRL.
    2. club riders were able to race on their doorstep
    3. money was raised for club funds.

    I think we should also especially thank the second claim riders and non-cycling spouses, partners and children without whom the event probably could not have gone ahead.

  • All absolutely true Mark.........the club after 3 years of Carmelo doing this still probably only know a part of just how much work and commitment has gone into this event.
    Also true about 2nd claim members and partners......Thanks to all
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