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Annual Subs due 1st April

That time of year again im afraid....same as last year, over 18's £15. Under 18's £5. Second claim £10.
If you joined after 1st Jan, no need to pay again. If you joined before 1st Jan then full rates apply.
Our preferred payment method is bank transfer but you can still give cash or cheque to David.
Details....Cycle Club Ashwell, Barclays, Hitchin, 20382167, 20-41-12.
IMPORTANT...please put SUBS and the names/s of the people you are paying for in the reference box.
You have until the 1st of May to get the funds into our account otherwise we will assume you have resigned from the club. We will publish a list of those who have resigned shortly after this date.
Many Thanks.
The Pell Gang
Joining as 2nd claim, see me on a Saturday ride soon
Having been at another club (Cambridge CC) it's clear what a good bunch of guys and girls make up CCA, with clubs runs at varied times (Robbie's 8am is what appealed to me) and a very active forum, so that's why I'm back.
But can't do 1st claim as I've 'done a Justin'.