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Ride London TEAMS - pls advise your target time

edited April 2014 in Sportives
Doodle poll Ride London

The organiser will allocate you a start time according to the 'predicted ride time' that you put on your entry form. (You can change this on your form up until the end of April, because they say they won't work out start times until 1st wk in May)

Remember, there will be thousands of riders and probably 2 separated streams for the first 5+ miles, so trying to regroup after the start is much more difficult than in other sportifs - it's a whole lot easier to try to get the same start time as the people you want to ride with

Please give a rough idea of your time in the Doodle Poll (no need to be exact) - this is just to help get CCA riders together ... probably as several small groups ... possibly as 1 big group like last year


  • edited April 2014
    (bringing back to the top)
  • edited April 2014
    (bringing back to the top)
  • Mines done
  • (bringing back to the top)
  • (bringing back to the top)
  • Thanks for sharing your target time. We've got a good spread of times, so everybody who wants to, should be able to find another rider or two that he/she can start with and perhaps ride the whole course with.

    I've been thinking and I reckon that 4:50-59 is going to be an enormously popular choice this year. (Think about all those club riders from last year who did their fastest ever 100, and then went home to tell all their mates about it. How many of those (+ their mates) will be trying to beat the magical 20mph av speed this time around?) So there could be thousands of riders in the 4:50-59 slot, which means they'll be spread across several loading times and both streams ... and if we're lumped in with them, we may find we get different start times to each other, in spite of choosing the same target time.

    So I propose that anyone who's targeting sub-5hr, chooses the slot just before the super-popular one, ie 4:40 - 4:49. IMO that'll give us a better chance of starting together, keeping together and we should get better drafting too. What's not to like?
  • I think 6 hrs is realistic for me, however I was wondering whether it wld be better to put something quicker to benefit from quicker riders around. Therefore happy to put 5:30 -5:39 to make it 2 groups not sure what the other 6hr people think?
  • I'm a 6 hour too, but will go with the flow. At the end if the day we don't know what we'll do on the day and well have to adapt accordingly, slower/faster etc so the main thing is starting together so we should just do what's best for that.
  • I think Jane's probably right that 4.50-4.59 will be a hot-spot (as will 5.50-5.59, 6.50-6.59)...

    The slightly earlier slot will probably give the '5hr people' a slightly better chance of starting together.
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