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CCA grass track project: donations welcome

edited August 2009 in General
After a number of discussions the Club Committee has just unaminously agreed to proceed with obtaining the lease and planning for change of use to cycling
A number of issues needed to be discussed as this will be a long term committment over 25 years
( if we get it of course )
This stage will consist of a grass track in the field , but no buildings
When usage has been established we will then consider the need for further development probably for 2-3 years time

We do however need to fund the cost of setting up the lease and planning
This comes to a total of £900

It is on this basis I am asking for voluntary donations to fund this need
Anyone wishing to do so can donate from £1 to £50
Clearly there is no expectation to give anything
The £50 limit is to prevent any misunderstandings
The club will own the lease and all assets , individuals will have no rights in this regard
All monies will go direct to a Grass track fund and will not be used for anything else

This will be a significant step for the club
It will particularly benefit the youth section
They now have 50 youth members and are starting a waiting list
This will be a fantastic and safe environment to carry on the great work
and building a long term future for the club

Should you wish to donate
please give a cheque to any club committee member
payable to Cycle Club Ashwell
and write Grass Track on the back of the cheque

It would be useful if you can pledge via the forum
But just give a cheque in if you would prefer

I would like to start the
off with a pledge for £50
( no Blue Peter Badge I am afraid )

Anyone else ?



  • I pledge £50. Good initiative.
  • stick £50 in for me 8-)
  • Definitely £50 for me and the family too - Gavin
  • Another pledge of £50 from me.
  • Had a cheque from another member £50

    Does not have to be £50
    ( although very welcome )
    any amount from £1 will be great

  • I'll put £50 in.

    Richaard M
  • just back from Newcastle to Galway........will report when recovered.great initiative James.count me in for £50....Geoff
  • I'll put £50 in too.

  • Great news
    Have verbally agreed the lease with Chris schwick
    As per what we need
    Can you bring Cheques along to committee meeting Friday 2nd Oct
    Write on back for Grass track
    We will now be moving quickly
    Want to prepare the track this year so ready for use next year
    Thanks for your generosity

  • Many thanks to all those who have pledged
    both on and off the forum

    The grass track project is progressing well
    The lease / planning and preparation works are all underway

    Can I ask those that have pledged to hand in your cheques
    Payable to CCA
    Marked grass track on the back
    Put in the letter box at 27 High St

    Of course any more donations will be gratefully accepted !
    Your support for this great project is appreciated

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