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TDF CCA publicity
Living Sport (Cambridgeshire county sports partnership) are printing up thousands of postcards for all local cycling clubs to give out in Cambridge over the weekend (the Big Weekend - cycling themed, Parkers Piece) and at the start of the TdF on Monday, at no cost to the clubs. We are included as we are only just over the border and have lots of Cambridgeshire members. We will get any that are left over and can also print more in future if they are useful. You can visit Living Sport if you want : Living Sport are generally around the site on the Saturday, in the Alliance Francaise marquee on Sunday and then with British Cycling on Monday.
Although we didnt have much influence over the design of the postcards, they look really good. And as we were one of the few clubs to submit photos, lot of the other clubs have photos of CCA riders on their postcards! Also the general cycling in cambridgeshire brochure has that great photo of Theo leading the peleton up cardington hill in the primavera that gilgamesh took, see below. Hopefully Theo will be handing some of these out as he cycles the route with Les Cadets Bleus on Monday. I submitted quite a few photos from the forum and did ask that they confirm with us before using them, they did this with several images but not all, so apologies if your image has been used without me checking with you first, hopefully its an honour though! There are images by Theo and Mark Fraser and others on some of the other club postcards.
Although we didnt have much influence over the design of the postcards, they look really good. And as we were one of the few clubs to submit photos, lot of the other clubs have photos of CCA riders on their postcards! Also the general cycling in cambridgeshire brochure has that great photo of Theo leading the peleton up cardington hill in the primavera that gilgamesh took, see below. Hopefully Theo will be handing some of these out as he cycles the route with Les Cadets Bleus on Monday. I submitted quite a few photos from the forum and did ask that they confirm with us before using them, they did this with several images but not all, so apologies if your image has been used without me checking with you first, hopefully its an honour though! There are images by Theo and Mark Fraser and others on some of the other club postcards.
