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The Assumption of Goodwill.

edited October 2014 in General
So the journey is now at an end, good grief, what do I do with myself tomorrow?

What a remarkable adventure I have experienced, initially starting out from Penzance on May 16th, I did set out partly along the traditional route of Land's End to John O'Groats, adapting my route north of Oban to include the north-west coast of Scotland and some of the islands.

But in fairness this was never going to be a one-way trip, this was never going to be just a quick bike ride to John O'Groats, though technically speaking I have now ridden both LEJOG, JOGLE or End to End, twice. Big deal.

So this photographic project of cycling around much of Britain was just that, to photograph what I saw and what I experienced, and what I witnessed was simply astonishing, it's not just the physical landscape of Britain that amazes me in its variety and beauty, moreover, it's the people who populate Britain, where I felt humbled day in day out by the kindness and generosity of spirit which I can only encapsulate in saying that Britain is a nation of people whom "Assume Goodwill". How fabulous is that?

Apart from four days bed-and-breakfast, I camped, wild camped and made use of various hostels (mostly in the cities) along my journey.

Here then is my offer; if any cyclist from this club would like to borrow the Dawes, size L, the Ortleib panniers for a few days and experience some cycle touring in Britain, just let me know, just fix what you break!

I now have something like 25,000 images to sort through, edit, edit and, you guessed it, edit again, putting things into some semblence of order & unsurprisingly I am not looking forward to single minute of this gargantuan task. Once completed, I have a number of photographic competitions I need to enter and my web site to update and manage.

The simple fact is, I do not, correction, did not want this adventure to end (Friday 03 October).

Statistics : the Garmin tells me, 4176 miles. 245887 calories. In the process I lost 6.5lbs in weight, I lost 2% body fat ( now14.7% according to my Taniya digital scales) and not surprisingly, gained 2% muscle. Today, on my return, I weighed my partner in this adventure, my lovely Dawes SG, 33lbs, and all-up I was surprised at seeing 89 lbs.


  • Lovely! Looking forward to seeing those photographs Tim.
  • Yes agree. And thanks for the write ups throughout your adventure, enjoyed reading those.

    One day ill do something like this. Might start building a bike up just in case!
  • edited October 2014
    Tim, since when have you needed an excuse to build a bike? LOL
  • Dropbox link

    This link should take you to the Dropbox folder where I am hoping to upload 1x pdf per day of my bike ride around Britain.
    There are four thus far, including two existing pdf's which may hold an image or two to consider (?).

    I will continue to send the pdf’s up to this Dropbox link over the next three weeks, so if you want to view the work, do help yourself. The deadline is 07 November.


    If you want to view your thoughts, please do tell me as the final edit down has to come down to 20, from 30,000, which is going to be avery difficult process.
    Here’s the competition info:



    This link is the overall view of previous winners.

    There are two categories. I have two possible “Projects", one being Mongolia the other about Britain.

    Anyhow, each of the above "Previous Winners", listed in the CLICK HERE link, you will find a link to that photographer's own website should you be interested in viewing more of their work, including the twenty images that will have been submitted for this competition in the year that particular photographer won.

    Now, on with the edit!
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