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Sunrise ride, Sat 6th Dec, 6am... Nope.
So, if it's dry, I'll tap out a very steady 28 miles, dressed as a right proper Michelin man, 7+ layers, getting to Ashwell to see the 8am riders via Days for coffee.
If it rains on Friday afternoon - forget about it. It'll be too risky that early on Satdy.
Going on this easy steady route.
6am Guilden
6.40am-ish Royston
7.59am Ashwell

I'll post here if I abandon.
will check back for your status, Martin.
I reckon you later riders will be all right. But don't quote me! Take some air out.
Sorry Matt.
I'll be doing a Full Moon Ride instead! Sat 6th Dec. 8.30pm from Guilden. 30 miles. +3 degrees. Dry roads.
Just to repeat though: I'm not chancing it tomorrow morning.
Am out tomorrow evening instead. Moonrise is at 4.24pm and doesn't set til Sunday 8.15am.
35 miles.
Starting Guilden 8.30pm.
So at Odsey 8.45pm
A dip down Buntingford way and - to celebrate the full moon - a swift brandy in the Moon & Stars in Rushden on the way back I think! Lunacy...
A semi early hour on the turbo it is!