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Sunday ride - start 10am

edited January 2015 in Club runs
Ahoy the lost souls

Sunday looks like a window to ride ice free
Start 10am to be on the safe side
35 - 40 miles , 15-16 mph

Steady as she goes
Hope to see you all



  • FDFD
    edited January 2015
    Yo Ho Cap'n, Lost Boys, Shirkers & Uncle Tom Cobbleigh

    Went out in the lovely sunny afternoon for a ride, once conditions had improved. No dice with the ice. Cap'n tempted but stayed in port with his broken ribs, broken shifter, broken resolve, broken dreams.

    Ashwell, Wrestlingworth, Abbotsley, Gt Gransden, Caxton, Bourn, Longstowe, Croydon Hill, Mordens, Ashwell.

    40 miles @ 16mph. Bracing into the Nor' Westerly, all sheets to the wind on return!

    Might be out tomorrow, if the Black Pig's ice-breaker is fitted-forecast is 2-3C around 10am.

  • Hi
    See you at 1000 looking forward to the ride
  • Yo Ho cough! splutter! Cap'n

    Cap'n back in fine form, the new lightweight FD (well done John) and the return of the 'bullet'

    Ifear the last thing the Black Pig needs is an anchor!! and in dock for repairs

    Have a safe ride, weather looks good.

    Pete 2sic2float
  • Yo Ho Pete

    All Lost Boys welcome, so get out of yer hammock and report for duty on deck!

    First voyage for the Pig this year, so all hands will be rusty.

    We'll all get fitter together.

    Nice and steady ride, plenty of fun and banter as ever

    See everyone in the morning.

  • Ahoy the broken !
    Time to limp back on deck
    Anchor men welcome, so come on Pete !

    Yes 3 C at 10 climbs to 6C by mid day

    So let's build those dreams together
    The black pig to raise from the deep

    You know you want to !

    Captain ( bust ribs ) Pugwash
  • Looks good this morning
    No sign of ground frost over night
    Warms up slowly this morning

    See you at 10 am for easy ride

  • Ahoy crew mates
    Good to be back on the road
    8 set sail, 35 miles at 15 mph
    Some went to do it all again

    1350 kcals burnt for Captain
    Banana and captains potion 170 kcal
    Energy drink 50 kcal
    Coffee and tea bread. 100 kcal
    Soup 130 kcal
    Cheese sandwich 300

    So 600 kcal up
    Sunday dinner and glass of wine

    Think I better do it all again !

    Good to be with the crew again
    Hopefully do again next week

  • Yo Ho

    Echo the Cap'n's thoughts - good to be out with the crew again in some winter sunshine.

    Walking wounded making sound recoveries.

    Thanks to CTJ for the route and ensuring all did a regular turn on the front.

    Ashwell, Wrestlingworth, Abbotsley, Gransdens, Croydon Hill, Wendy, Mordens, Ashwell.

    Hardcore went around again at G Morden - chapeau!

    Coffee in the Cap'n's cabin afterwards to warm up and plan for the season ahead.

    See you all again soon

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