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MSG Round 2: Carver Barracks
7 CCA riders raced at the second round of the Eastern Region cross country mtb series today at Carver Barracks. The course was a course of two halves. One half was basically a cross course with a mound riders had to climb up and a draining boggy section. However the second half more than made up for the lack of excitement in the first half with a fun Drop off into a slightly sketchy rock garden, and then a risky rock descent where riders had to ride down a fairly slippy roll in before having to dodge a rock right in the middle of the line of choice. The riders in all races had to deal with competition from people all over the country using the race as a warm up for the first round of the national series next week, Harley even had to deal with the current CX national champion Poppy Wildman. Shout out to David Hadsley for completing his first, and possibly last, mountain bike race.
============ Results From Timelaps ==============
U12 Male:
24th Joseph Hadsley
Juvenile Female:
2nd Harley Pell (4th U16)
Juvenile Male:
8th Felix Field
Youth Male:
9th Noah Field
11th Travis Pell
Open Male:
33rd Stuart Field
44th David Hadsley
============= Photos ==========================
The Drop off in the first A Line:

The Rock Descent (2nd A Line):
============ Results From Timelaps ==============
U12 Male:
24th Joseph Hadsley
Juvenile Female:
2nd Harley Pell (4th U16)
Juvenile Male:
8th Felix Field
Youth Male:
9th Noah Field
11th Travis Pell
Open Male:
33rd Stuart Field
44th David Hadsley
============= Photos ==========================
The Drop off in the first A Line:

The Rock Descent (2nd A Line):

MSG series obviously becoming very popular but can't help thinking that there are too many riders on the course. The single track wooded section which was good fun had some very long lines of riders at times with little chance of passing.
My first MTB race and my technical skills were found seriously wanting. I agree with Stuart, the wooded sections gave no opportunities for passing but more importantly for me gave the more technical riders the chance to regain any ground that I'd gained in the power sections. All a good learning curve.
Given your skills are way above mine on the Greenway, the mind boggles how good the top guys must be!
to put the results and skills/fitness into perspective for you. The elite/senior mens winner was lapping at sub 15 mins for 7 laps (all very consistent splits) Dave and I were in the low 20's for only 3 laps.
Thanks for the insight into the extremely competitive nature of this event and our sport in general.
The technical section over rocks shown in the picture was also worth a thousand words.
Mind suitably boggled!