Hopefully gives you an idea of this event. Obviously this year all the best bits were on fire !! ... hopefully next year the video will have Chapman's Peak, Suikerbosse and views of Simon's Town & Table Mountain etc...
if anybody is interested, i can post other footage of the climbs & descents of 12 Apostles, Suikerbossie, Chapmans Peak, Camps Bay, Hout Bay etc... amazing scenery, if a little charred, that i did manage to ride once the roads were reopened!
Thanks Jeremy, yes indeed, the main reason I bought it was for skiing (see 'cornwallis Elt ski trip' on youtube as well) and this year's trips - Marmotte & Paris Nice.
its easier than a ride/race report ;-)
Are you thinking of a video diary for Paris Nice? Would be a great way of capturing the journey.