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Club 10 result 22.04.15

edited April 2015 in Time Trial
First 10 of the year and bone dry, with a moderate north easterly which always seems a good direction. Some great times for April and a good turnout. Well done to all.

C Woolsey 21.57
S jennings 23.56
A Skeen 24.40
S Miles 25.44
M Scales 26.13
J Field 26.34
G Lewis 26.37
L Holmes 26. 39
N Field 26.54
D Wells 26.56
E Koppe 28.00
K Stigwood 28.25
R Bumstead 28.53
A Lightfoot 28.55
M Pullen 29.59
J Andrews 30.10
J Fraser 31.35
S Watts 32.03
F Field 32.17
A Fraser 34.05
S Critchley 34.59

Jackie took a tumble in Guilden, hope you are ok. Well done to Simon on his first ride and good to see 4 youth riders tonight all doing bp's. good stuff!
Thanks to Finn and James.


  • Thanks to the time keeping crew for looking after us, and hope you are feeling better now, Jackie.
  • Yes, thank you all, great start to the season.
  • Beautiful evening, thanks to the timekeepers!
  • Thanks to time keepers!
  • Yes, thanks Tim, James and Finn for making it possible tonight. First time on the CCA 10 for Elsie and I... and a course PB for me!

    Get better soon Jackie
  • thank you Finn, James and Tim and all for the help at the end. Fingers are looking a bit odd and have some manly cuts to my hip and elbow but the bike is fine so happy enough!
  • Many thanks to timekeepers and holders, much appreciated, great evening, challenging, slightly messy wind, but warm and pleasant enough ... especially as compared to the Hardriders!
  • edited April 2015
    Thank you to all of you from someone completely out of their depth!

    I enjoyed it and will be back for more, I can see this getting addictive :) Just need to to find 10 mins from somewhere! :)

  • You did great Simon, well done! It's highly addictive and really great fun. It's all about setting a time and beating it, making it excellent as a motivator.
  • edited April 2015
    Just wanted to make a friendly request to new riders and two-up teams Due to the lack of seeding in this type of club event, it's important for safety reasons to keep tight to the left, hold your line carefully, and only ride single file, especially through Guilden and in the lanes. There can be an 8-10 mph speed differential (Cam would have averaged around 28 mph last night, while a 34 min time averages around 18 mph) and you may not hear a member of the pointy hat brigade bearing down on you. As a result, you might unwittingly push them into oncoming traffic, or a pot hole etc.

    I'm not having a go at anyone and it was great to see so many riders out, just making a friendly clubby request on safety grounds. Thanks muchly! :-)

    Sgt. Pain.
  • edited April 2015
    After realigning data for the new season everything seems to be working ok so here are more detailed results.
    Anything untoward, just let me know.


    3 people bettered their PB's by over a minute:
    Andy in just 24 days went faster by over a minute and a half and earns himself a free ride next week, I wonder if he can do the same again in the next 3 weeks?
    Gareth continues his excellent progress from last year, and Matt on Elsie went into the 26's for the first time on Ashwell.

    Handicap order


    Well done to everyone and especially the first timers,
    Jackie I hope things are not too sore for Sunday.
  • oooo, I get a point. I'll call that a victory. Make sure it's reported Matt!!
  • Andy S, duly noted from a rookie. I'm quite happy to start behind the faster riders.
  • READ ALL ABOUT IT...... SPEEDY STIGGERS CLAIMS PRECIOUS POINT..... The Baron of Barrington storms to 12th place...
  • Thanks JMac for the calculations. I think that minute and a half improvement had more to do with the hurricane we rode in previously than any actual improvement over the month ... I'll probably go slower next time as I've worn a hole in my lucky socks and might not have time to shave my legs again between now and next Wednesday!
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