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Tour of Cambridgeshire Chrono

edited June 2015 in Time Trial
We had a bit of discussion around this at the AGM on Tues. Instead of trawling through all of the info on the webpage we thought it might be good to get a list together of who is riding the TT on Sat and their start times. This way people might be able to watch fellow CCA'ers that are in the group just before or after them or if anyone is coming up to register you might want to look out for some of us.

So i'll start it off:

Emma K 35-39 age group start 17:15

Hopefully see some of you on Sat


  • Because I'm young...

    Matt S 19-34 age group start 13:49:30
  • these are the names i recognise from my group, the 45-49 men,
    sorry if i missed anyone

    15:41:30 683 Stuart, Jason
    15:42:00 684 Skeen, Andrew
    15:47:30 695 Dixon, Stefan
  • I'm off at 12:13 (60-64 men) number 958.

    Went round the course today. Feels pretty fast with care needed on a number of corners. One nasty hill at around 5 miles - 1/4 mile at 5% with a section of probably 10-12% for 200yds or so, otherwise pretty flat.
    Have a safe ride everyone.
  • Apparently they've got a ramp... We really should get one for the Wednesday nights.
  • Kevin Stigwood 16:49:00 #508
  • Ramp = £15k
  • It's a good investment I reckon. We'd get at least 10 more people a week paying that extra non-CCA quid to ride.

    (Maybe this is why I blow raspberries down a pipe for a living and am not a high flying businessman?)
  • The ramp idea is a good one. I'm pretty sure we could bang one together with ... you know ... I'm thinking some breeze blocks and a plank of wood?

    Add an element of skill to the start: stay on the plank. a 2x6" would be challenging, but in deference to the poor eyesight of some of our older members, maybe a 2x12? Six-eight feet long maybe? Not sure if it would pass a risk assessment though.
  • build it, they will come.....
  • JMac 12:13:00 958
    Matt S 13:49:30 172
    Jason S 15:41:30 683
    Andy S 15:42:00 684
    Stef D 15:47:30 695
    MC 16:09:30 429
    Stiggers 16:49:00 508
    Emma K 17:15:00
  • edited June 2015
    Justin L 17:43:30 - 299
    Tom T 15:07:00 - 614
  • edited June 2015
    These are the only results I can see at the minute.

    We have at least 3 qualifiers for the World Amateurs in Denmark! Well Done James, Justin and MC. And a podium with a lovely medal for Mr McKenzie

    Justin 37:20:00 Q
    MC 39:49:10 Q
    JMac 41:56:99 Q
    Andy 43:20:36
    Stef 45:25:30
    Matt 45:52:59
    Stiggers 46:59:23
  • edited June 2015
  • Brilliant! Well done all
  • Top riding teamsters!!!
  • Tough, tough, tough! That was windy - very annoying that it is so still now! Was slightly unnerved when I was the only person in my group that wasn't on a time trial bike Or a medallist of some kind. It was good fun though and excellent to be riding on closed roads. Congratulations to all cca that rode especially the qualifiers. My time was 46 mins but I can't find the exact times/results. If I had been in any other age group for the women I would have been up there - it'd not often you wish you were a year older! Now I just have to hope my legs work for the interclub tomorrow :-)
  • Looks like a great experience. Well done everybody.
  • Well done folks, that was hard work. I have to say though, I was very disappointed with the event as a whole, I was expecting more (a bottle of water at the end perhaps?).

    I think £8 for an open on E2/25 today would have been much better value.
  • i cant find the results either.
    apparently ash cox rode 34:52. not sure if anyone beat that, matt bottrill?

    really enjoyed today, well organised and great experience, well done all who raced, especially JMac for the silver medal and Justin and MC for qualifying. it was windy though...
    looking forward to tomorrow now.
  • I agree stingers, it was well organised but the start ramp would have been better straight in front of the doors, better viewing for spectators was needed and as I was in one of the last groups to start when we had finished everything was already closed and you couldn't even buy a drink/water. Not sure what you really got for your entrance fee ......... Especially given that we can't even find the results either!
  • i guess most of the entrance fee went on closing the roads, very expensive.
    someone said tonight the whole event will lose money this year, mostly down to the cost of road closures
  • edited June 2015
    Yes, Matt Bottrill won it. 34:11 I think. You can see photos of the results sheets here

    Ride London everyone gets a medal and a goody bag! They should do a TT for that.
  • Well done all

    That was not a £15k ramp.
  • Provisional Results here
  • Riders interested in competing in the 2016 Tour of Cambridgeshire Chrono please note that Pre-Registration for the event opens at 06.00hrs BST on Saturday September 12th.
    Pre-registration is an expression of interest to ride the ToC Chrono. It is not an entry.
    Pre-registation will be taken for 800 interested competitors. Once the 800 places are pre-registered no more pre-registrations will be available.
    Once all of the 800 pre-registrations are allocated a unique single use code will be emailed to each pre-registered party.
    The pre-registration entitles the interested party to convert their pre-registration into a formal entry in a three day priority window between 06.00hrs (GMT) on Saturday 14th November 2015 until 05.59hrs (GMT) on Monday 16th November 2015 when general entry will open at 06.00hrs (GMT) if any places remain available.
  • Thanks for posting this reminder Stef
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