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New bits in blue

edited October 2015 in Kit
After having a long chat with Neil at tmgpro the other day I thought I'd jot a quick note down on some vaguely exciting news about new bits of kit for CCA.


We've finally managed to find somebody who will make decent (coolmax) custom socks who doesn't have a minimum order of 150, so it looks realistic that we will be able to get some CCA socks at last! Looks like around £13 a pair, which is pretty standard for coolmax.


Neil has sourced a very similar material to the stuff that Castelli use on the Gabba jerseys. For those of you that have used these before you'll know how outstanding they are. A softshell jacket that fits like a jersey and is waterproof... Very good bit of kit that breathes well so training/racing on wet days is made much more comfortable. If you still don't know what I'm talking about, check out any pro team riding in nasty conditions, their riders will all have gabbas on with sponsors names stuck on and gaffer tape over the castelli badge. Neil's making a short sleeved and long sleeved version which will be a similar cut to the Gabba (ie the short sleeved version will have slightly longer sleeves than a short sleeved summer jersey). They will probably be around the £100 mark.

Classic Merino Jerseys and Shorts:

For those of you that were at the club night last month and saw the samples this won't be new, but for those who didn't, tmgpro are starting a line in classic vintage kit! This means that for the Eroica sportive riders you can have proper vintage kit to go with your bikes. The jerseys will be redesigned so they imitate the vintage look but will most definitely be CCA! Proper woolly shorts are available too if just having an itchy top half wasn't enough. The jerseys will be £100 each and there's a minimum order of 10, so will need a bit of interest to go ahead, but I don't think that will be a problem. They are made from a wool blend, so will keep their shape in the wash.

New Skinsuits:

Neil has been looking into some super-fast skinsuits that are more along the lines of the Bioracer skinsuits that everybody's raving about at the moment. Pricing is TBA on these, but hopefully not going to be too much of an expense. A possible "no-pins" styled pocket has been discussed...

If anybody has any suggestions (no, we will not be making a tri-suit) then feel free to air them here. Also if you have any problems with the kit or think that it could benefit from some alterations (wider necks, tighter sleeves etc) then please let them be known. Neil is very good with taking on board suggestions and seeing what he can do about them.


  • Will, I've whispered you some comments. I've not been impressed with the quality of the kit I purchased for Adam in the spring. Perhaps I've just been unlucky...

  • Steve, you're not the only person to have issues with the stitching and zips, return the faulty items to me and I'll get them back to Neil to be fixed for you.
  • edited October 2015
    As a general note, with all cycling kit it's not to be washed with fabric conditioner... This can cause the kit to wear prematurely and lose it's elasticity.

    If anybody has any frayed items or bits of kit where the stitching has failed, please return the items to me ASAP and they will be fixed.
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