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Ride of the 3 Cafes 2016, CCA Spring Classic! Fri 18 Mar 8.30am



  • thanks to all for a well-organised and 'fun' day.

    sorry I couldn't make the pub as I needed to get back so my kids could laugh at the state of me before bedtime


  • Apres ride was good fun
    Will have to ride as well next time !

  • Thanks Martin, lovely day despite going like a bag of rusty spanners! I dropped off into Royston and went up the Mcdonalds bridleway to avoid the 505. Lovely and dry and i got followed most of the way by a barn owl. I think it recognised my sorry state and was thinking about trying to take me.
  • edited March 2016
    Thanks all. That was tough on so few miles. Best and craziest ride of the year. Some frighteningly in firm riding at the front.
    Pete I hope you are recovered. I couldn't work out why the bog was locked for so long at Saffrin Warden. But clearly your need was greater than mine.
    So looking forward to The Movie. It was great having the film crew following us around. Added yet another dimension though it was so hard not to look ragged and vacant as the land rover appeared round a bend.
  • Thanks for the ride Martin, had a great time. That final push from the last cafe was certainly character building. Chuffed with my badge ?
  • edited March 2016
  • I'm surprised Tim even made it to the maglia rossa after his box of scrambled eggs!
    Was a great ride, thanks for organising Martin. Bumped into Chris after the club ride on sat and he has promised me star video footage for being the solo lady :-)
  • edited March 2016
    Thanks everyone for the great riding and witty company, as we slogged through Herts, Essex, Suffolk 'n back on our epic ride.

    It never really seemed to stop mizzling. But no one minded.

    The group naturally split into more manageable pelotons that suited us all. It was quite chilly til the Blue Egg. I thought I had my base layer strategy wrong. But afterwards, through picturesque Finchingfield and so on, it picked up. We waved goodbye to David and Emma at the Blue Egg. Actually: we accidentally waved goodbye to David before the Blue Egg and it was a lesson learned that if you are lolling and laughing at the back in the gruppeto and puncture - shout loudly. Phil had a shoulder-to-shoulder with a lorry too at Clavering after his puncture. But no harm done. Well, maybe some to the lorry’s bonnet.

    Approaching Cavendish village and Suffolk, we met the forward group riding back with scowling faces. Road block. Some quickly improvised 3G action and we detoured through scenic Clare, though added 5 miles. Nice to see Chris along the way filming us. I especially hope the dip over the bridge near Boxted makes it with the drone cam inches above our heads. The roads in Suffolk have a soft roll to them in places, not unlike the lanes entering the Dales. This ride is one-quarter the climb of the Marmotte and 15 miles longer. In March. All riders must be proud of themselves.

    And so it was to Maglia Rosso, where they’d decided it would be more fun to rip up our pre-order and turn it into a Generation Game-like challenge. I sort of feel, as nice a destination it makes, it’s an unnecessary stress to add to the ride not knowing if and when you’ll get served. I’ll suggest next time, as I have done before, they do a big stew/menu for everyone, Belgian sportsman's lunch styley, and make all lives easier. Or, we can go somewhere else. It would be a shame as they are nice people.

    Off we go, some with runny egg still dribbling down their chins. Some of the lanes are tight on this stretch but I must credit us all on fine group riding. Incident free except for Dave hitting a pothole at speed, puncturing and dislodging his brake. Cos he’s nails now and doesn’t know his own riding strength.

    Good to chat with so many different riders - all with different ambitions. I think this is the spirit of what these 'Classics' represent. Remember: this Good Friday, the second CCA Classic - the G-RIDE gets mucky. A badge there for every rider too.

    After a long climb up towards Little Walden, we rise to the top and can see far and wide. There is low cloud to the East, chasing us down with more drizzle and the light is noticeably fading now. But there’s good spirits in the group and that nice warm glow only a day off work on the bike can produce. Simple pleasures. I only wish the teachers and others who can’t take weekdays off could join on future rides like these.

    The Bicicletta cafe and third stop had great coffee. Spirits lifting again as we clicked over the 100 mile mark. We only realised after that Pete was poorly. Hope you better now Pete. The climb up and over Chishill was steady and things got quicker at the end as adrenalin kicked in, with Nigel towing my group home in TT mode. Nige also taking the Belgian Toothpaste award for most hardman muddied face.

    To the Tuns and pint of Leffe. Which I thought was an illegal quantity to serve it in. Lively in the pub and nice to regroup with others. Ate a million crisps. 3-4 pints in and we are starting to get to ‘the Truth’. Trouble is: a couple more and we’ve forgotten it again. Big thanks to Foulkes Cabs for getting me back.

    123 miles @ 17mph for us all, or thereabouts. I’d say that was fast. The Club is really flying I think at the mo. Some of the Letchworthians and Gamlingaylies will have outrageous March mileage. Well done all riders. Thanks for all the kind words of thanks: my pleasure. Emma should be racing. Well done Tim and Daniel for just readdressing too many short rides over the CX season with one mahoosive ride. Thanks everyone who took a turn on the front, and those that watched out at the back. Let's have a great season all.

    I will do a doodle poll for the Classic t-shirt later and ping an order this week. This summer’s must-have pub garden attire. They will be around £15 depending on numbers ordered and I can bring to Club night or drop off or you can pick them up - whatever.
  • Just bringing this back to the top, was there any update with the video of this spectacular ride/day ? ;-)
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