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N&DCA Rockingham 18mile TT Round 1

edited April 2016 in Time Trial
James Mac, MC and Jackie competed in the first round of the N&DCA TT series at Rockingham today. The weather stayed fine ish (bit chilly and windy at times) for this 2 lap rolling circuit. James got a PB and was 2nd in cat. Jackie knocked nearly 5 mins off last years time and got 1st lady. Not sure where Mark came as we left before all results up but he had a good ride.


  • Thanks again Stuart for the great photos.

    Jackie suffering somewhat from a back injury also third in her vets Category to Dave Langlands and James Stewart.
  • last year I got stopped by cows on this one - the whole herd was being moved down the road and I had to stop , get off the bike and wait on the verge! Cows, tractors, what next? Certainly keeps it interesting!
    On the bright side there's not many things that get better as you get older but target time is definitely one of them - well done on a really good ride.
  • Well done testers, a great start to this series.
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