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Wed 30th Bob's ride

edited December 2009 in General
09.30 start from Bob's house
( hodwell between the church and the white house )
Looks like we will get wet
Oh well
usual 35-40 miles at club pace
See you tomorrow


  • 9 intrepid souls set out to burn off the last of the christmas calories and make room for the new year excesses. including 5 who survived mondays dancing on ice epic. (the famous five or the foolish five?) bitterly cold east wind, persistant rain and a staggering range of pot holes. still a great time was had by all. 36 miles at 16.4 m/h. out to thriplow and back via various s.cambs villages. no one fell off. the group split at litlington with those still drunk from christmas upping the speed, whilst the sober ones maintainted a sensible pace.

    one puncture, we all stopped to help....nice to see, unlike monday when i shouted "puncture" 5 times in vain as the group sailed off into the distance. luckily mark c waited with me for a very rapid tube change. but then a guy coming the other way on a condor gave us the bad news "theyre not waiting, they're off up the hill, you wont see them again". disconsolate we settled on the verge in the sun, got out the hip flask and some mince pies to ponder our fate and the way back. but obviously conscience got the better of the runaway group and after a while peter returned to tell us they were waiting several miles up the road....
  • We waited and waited
    Had a drink, banana,energy bar ,chat
    Someone said got stuck at the junction
    then that Stef was crap on hills :-)
    then must be a puncture
    then a debate about who would go down the hill AGAIN
    sent one soul to see ( he had got cold )
    then thought may have come off AGAIN
    might need an ambulance ( for the bike )
    more chat
    something about the chairman's ride should look after people better
    more chat
    now getting silly, better go and see
    back down the hill
    still not there?
    gone off in a huff?
    fell down a bottomless pothole ?
    Oh no there they are !
    Something about not stopping
    "I tried to say , but you did not listen.....betty "
    ( no hears you scream in space )
    Back up that hill again
    Good chat before the next 4 crashes

    Must do it again next year
    Wed was fun as well
    Winter Masochism training going well

  • well theres no answer to that! maybe it wasnt quite my quickest tube change...
    still both excellent rides, depsite or maybe because of the conditions.
    forecast for the weekend, sunny intervals, no rain or snow - not sure i know how to ride in weather like that..
    oh just checked again, minus 4 overnight.. thats more like it!

    happy new year all.
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