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Rain gang, 31 May 2016

I'm sure everyone is thinking the same: see how it goes. If the weather remains this bobbins, it'll be off.
I'll keep checking the weather forecast and this forum til the evening.
Mudguards a good idea if it's on.
A TTT approach good if numbers low...


  • Doubt if Jack and I will be there :-(
  • Let's go for it!
    Rain stopped. Clouds breaking up. 12 degrees: not bad. Will be at Steeple Morden 7.35pm and ride towards Ashwell hopefully to find a few more riders coming the other way....
  • Should be out. Albeit with winter bike, thick tights, gloves and a bad back.
  • Was a two-up then with Tim. Bone dry first-third. Mizzly second. Meh third. Good to get out at all though. Roads very quiet.

    I'm guessing people diverting their legs to tomorrow's Club 10.

    Lap 1: 21.9mph
    Lap 2: 20.8mph
  • Ah yes, nice weather for duck(ett)s
  • Ha, sadly a bit of a lame duck on Martins wheel!
  • Chapeau! you two. We have woken up to more of the same today. Grim :-(

    Still it is only June
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