Here's an easyish 50 to blow the cobwebs out a bit. Just the slog up to Elmdon really. Break back opportunity at Barley for the tired or if the weather gets bad.
Am a bit mysterious around Duxford - but will write obscure notes on my handlebars to get thru [sadly, no Garmin fell off Father Christmas's sled];
Look alright?
8.30am, cemetery car park. Looking forward to it.
still nursing slightly torn muscle in calf.....not achilles tendon so relieved......can only spin at present SO....I cannot take rides at Stevenage or anywhere at present.............
I have booked the Main Gym Hall again at Ashwell if weather turns..or is very wet....or you just feel like company while riding rollers or your Turbo, then bring your bike and turbo's to the school..10am till 12 noon SATURDAY....if you don't have these but just want to stay fit then come and do some cross fit exercises..learn how to warm up and stretchproperly if you haven't done them before.......all good fun...
that really hurt! thanks Martin for the route, I'd like to say I enjoyed it but well... cold, wet & seriously out of shape don't make a happy Skelderz!!
Brutal!! But good. Enjoyed it a lot. A good winter route. 52 miles - 15-16mph. Back at 12pm. Tough in parts in the wind and rain. 4 out - me, Robbie, Malcolm and Skelders - and no punctures. Watch out for loads of new, big potholes out there.
Am a bit mysterious around Duxford - but will write obscure notes on my handlebars to get thru [sadly, no Garmin fell off Father Christmas's sled];
Look alright?
8.30am, cemetery car park. Looking forward to it.
I have booked the Main Gym Hall again at Ashwell if weather turns..or is very wet....or you just feel like company while riding rollers or your Turbo, then bring your bike and turbo's to the school..10am till 12 noon SATURDAY....if you don't have these but just want to stay fit then come and do some cross fit exercises..learn how to warm up and stretchproperly if you haven't done them before.......all good fun...
only kidding, but i am banished to the turbo!!