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Club 10 result 20.07.16

Strangely not many out tonight. Warm but very windy. I thought times wold be slow but it seemed quite a quick night. Lots of cake needed eating too! Thanks to Tim, Emma and David for helping. Well done all.

B Davies 22.49
B Ronayne 23.22
j Field 23.32
S Miles 24.04
S Field 24.46
S Dixon 24.52
D Wells 24.55
S Morris 25.01
N Field 25.23
G Lewis 25.44
T Bedford 26.09
M Pritchard 26.23
R Bumstead 26.38
J Andrews 26.50
P Tiffin 28.07
T Smith 28.11


  • Thanks to all the helpers tonight.
    Hot and windy. Think that's a PB for me, so quite pleased with that.
    Standard is ever improving!
  • Thanks all for making this happen. Was expecting a bigger turn out and some slow times. A lot that I spoke to got PB's including all the Fields. Thanks to Robert for the air.
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