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N&DCA Round 7 on the Guilden 25 circuit

edited July 2016 in Time Trial
This took place yesterday afternoon and saw 7 entries from CCA.

I thought the wind would be much lighter than the previous week for the interclub but seemed pretty blowy to me and full in your face along the Tadlow road section. The heat was also a major factor. The car thermometer said 28 degrees. Think this may have been the cause of a number of DnF's


Jackie Field 1st lady 18th overall 59.38 PB
Jason Stuart 21st 1.00.45
Steve Miles 27th 1.03.05
Stuart Field 38th 1.06.10 PB
Emma Koppe 2nd Lady 40th overall 1.06.32 PB
Noah Field 1st Junior 42nd overall 1.07.02 PB
Kevin Stigwood 48th 1.11.35


  • Thanks for the write up Stuart.

    It was my first 25 mile open and I stupidly thought it couldn't have been any worse than the Interclub on the same course the week before! Well I was wrong as it was still pretty blowy and ridiculously hot - my Garmin recorded close to 30deg at one point.

    Anyway I was determined not to be a dnf and managed almost a minute and half quicker than last week to give me a new pb! Never expected to be beating Jackie so was pleased with 2nd lady overall - 6 mins better than 3rd place.
  • Thanks for the result Stuart.

    Well done to Jackie and Emma for their pb's and to Noah for his first place.

    It wasn't as windy as the inter club but it was breezy along the Tadlow road and boy! was it hot! I was shattered at the end, didn't have enough energy for a warm down. But I went 1min 30secs quicker than last week so I'll take that.
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