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Reliabilty Rides in February

edited January 2010 in Sportives
Some good training rides coming up in Feb.

Two Reliability Rides run by Beds Road CC;
Sundays 14th & 28th Feb. Unfortunately, I can't make either of these weekends. Well worth having a go at - nearby and fresh terrain...
Note - they won't be signposted - so take a print out of the route/map. I went 9 miles off course last year.

In the middle, Sunday 21st Feb is the North Bucks CC Reliability Ride. Starting at Milton Keynes. Hilly!!!! Just 53 miles, but 18 hills, making it two-thirds the Cheshire Cat in climbing in half the distance. I've signed up. £6. Av it!


  • Thanks for this information Martin; and just the kick up the arse I need. See you on the North Bucks CC ride. (An event to 'confirm you early season fitness' or in my case 'confirm your early season unfitness'!)

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