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******* Calling all female club members - rider needed for Saturday 1st Oct - N&DCA ********

edited September 2016 in Time Trial
The club urgently needs at least 1 female rider for Saturday 1st Oct to enter and ride the rearranged N&DCA event which will be the last in the series.

Club affiliation means we are eligible in all the season long competitions both individual and team.

The Women Team prize is the best 11 rides from each club and this year for the first time CCA could complete this series as we currently have 10 rides with just one event to go. With the points amassed so far from Jackie (7) Emma (2) Jenny(1) the win is inevitable as long as someone completes the event. It is a good course (quite sporting) of 18.7 miles

If any of the following or any other female club member can ride this please post here as soon as possible as entries close probably Wednesday or Thursday:

Emma K
Jenny A
Sophie L
Harley P
Lillie S
Libby D

I am assuming Janet is unlikely to be recovered from her injuries and pretty sure Jackie is unavailable.

Event details

Saturday 1st Oct 14:00
Middleton (Near Corby)
18.7 Miles


  • Maybe I can pursuade Janet just to use it as a training ride.
  • Perfect!

    Entry form available


    there is no internet entry for this event but I am in touch with the organiser who will be fine if I tell him entries are in the post.
  • Forms filled in & sending them tonight. Just need To find a cheque book.
  • Any more takers?
  • Thanks Janet - hopefully you can secure the title for us! I'm away/travelling a lot with work over the next few weeks and am going struggle to find time for this.

    However I didn't even know that there was such a prize/ competition otherwise I could have entered more throughout the year but just thought it was individuals. So perhaps worth thinking about next year it would only be a couple of rides for each of the ladies.....
  • We've entered but we're hoping Janet's hip/knee improved by the race day
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