Welcome to the forum
Subs are now due, please pay by the end of the month to remain in the club.
We are going to try using the BC management system this year, this will make Davids and James job much easier.
There is a £1 admin fee.
Please can everyone use this system and not pay directly into the bank account as in previous years. Simply click on the link below and click "buy club membership". If you are a BC member (hopefully everyone is by now!) its just like buying anything else on the BC site, if you are not a BC member, no problem you can still buy club membership but you will need to register your details with BC first. You DO NOT need to join BC to join the club.
Subs are now due, please pay by the end of the month to remain in the club.
We are going to try using the BC management system this year, this will make Davids and James job much easier.
There is a £1 admin fee.
Please can everyone use this system and not pay directly into the bank account as in previous years. Simply click on the link below and click "buy club membership". If you are a BC member (hopefully everyone is by now!) its just like buying anything else on the BC site, if you are not a BC member, no problem you can still buy club membership but you will need to register your details with BC first. You DO NOT need to join BC to join the club.
Very slick indeed but just like entering events as a family via BC you get stitched for the fee per person instead of per transaction :-(
Update - Sorry ignore this as I found the emails in my hotmail junk folder.
I think that number sounds down on previous years so there may be still seniors out there who haven't paid up yet. All Youth and Juniors have been chased and are paid up.