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RTTC Classic series race 3 Little Mountain Worcester

edited April 2017 in Time Trial
At the club dinner I was talked into doing this by Daniel D. Great course he said. Brilliant views he said. A real challenge he said. I was not convinced having spectated last year. Looked tough with over a 1000M of climbing on a 37.5mile course. I entered and Daniel dropped out. Something about following a bike race in a car!!!!

He was right though. It was a great course. It was slightly different this year starting and finishing at Shelsley Walsh. The oldest motor racing hill climb venue in the UK. The TT finished at the top of the hill climb which is 914M long with an average grade of 10% with a section of 17% for good measure. A really tough finish. For me I was able to enjoy the day as it was my first RTTC and I was not really competing for anything. And yes Daniel the views are very good.

Jackie, Noah and James Mc were also riding.

Noah unfortunately got a puncture 10 miles in so had a long wait before I could finish and pick him up.

James Mc had a good ride. I was his 5 minute man and he went flying past me up Ankerdine hill and I never saw him again. He won the 60+cat

Jackie had another win in the vets which makes 3 in a row for the series title. This was also good enough for 3rd place overall and 3rd vet on target.
The only upset of the day was Jackie taking a low speed tumble on the ride down from the finish when she slipped on one of the cones that they used to cordon off the route down. A mild concussion and badly bruised hip being the result.



  • That's a great achievement by both Jackie & James especially considering they both won the day before as well.
  • edited April 2017
    Jackie, you managed a better smile than me even through the pain. Amazing to podium amongst all those 20 somethings.

    Hope you heal quickly.


    Thanks Stuart for the pics, well done on your first time and very bad luck to Noah.
  • Amazing work, well done all. On the podium with Hayley Simmonds!! Jackie, hope your bruises heal quickly.
  • Well done to all taking part and especially Jackie and James.

    Glad you took my advice young Stuart. My views on Sunday were compromised by clouds of dust kicked up by unruly cyclists!
  • From the pics and video I have seen it looked like a great race.
  • I know Jackie is good but finishing 3rd and 4th in the same race is amazing
  • Nice one Tim

    Coincidently I was having a pretty good race with a Donald Field for a 15 mile section in the middle of the race. He always got away from me when the course went up.

    I think you will find that 4th place J Field was DQ'ed for drafting.
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