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Club 10 Results - 26/4/17

edited May 2017 in Time Trial
7 braved the cold but the rain fortunately cleared up for the duration. It would have been 9 but for 1 puncture before the start (Robert) and a lack of shoes (Gareth) - bad luck to both.

Thanks to David J, Brendan R and Robert for your help. Results as follows:

J Stuart 23:32
K Stigwood Meridian Tri - PTT 27:50
S Douglas Meridian Tri - PTT 27:53
J Lievesley 28:07
E Koppe 28:12
G Thompson Meridian Tri - PTT 28:40
T Ayers 32:27


  • Glad you all avoided the hail!
    Well done to Thomas on his first club 10! Great effort.
  • edited April 2017
    Thanks to all the helpers for standing about on this very cold evening. The cuppa was very welcome! Bad luck to Bert & Gareth, but at least you've saved yourselves a bike clean!
  • Well done Thomas, thats a great first ride. And 28.00 is a heck of a start too Jess.
  • OMG that was freezing! Just to make it even tougher I did it on my road bike with no tri bars - I think Jess did too, but it's character building! Thanks to all helpers and bad luck Robert and Gareth - hopefully you'll be good for next week.
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