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Early bird ride, Monday 1st May, 7am

Anyone up for an early morning ride to Ely?

It's 80 miles, but looking to go more single file and pacey/chaingang. It's quite flat and some good roads. Me, Vince and Jess did this last year at 20mph av.

We go west after Ely and it's quite interesting terrain on those Fen lanes with occasional bumps then pan flat.


7am from Guilden Morden village hall?


  • This is a great ride- Beth's birthday Monday I'm afraid so I can't join
  • edited April 2017
    Tempted Martin! Put me down as a 90% "yes" - just need to check that my legs recover from yesterday's grind up Bison Hill. I'll confirm later on so that you know whether to keep an eye out for me.
  • Cool. Let me know when you can. Really quite flat route. I don't mind taking the front if you need further recovery.

    With luck, we'll be back before 12pm.

    Any more in? See you there. 07977 652 247
  • Yes I'm in. Hope I can keep the pace on this flyer
  • Attendance confirmed. See you there chaps.
  • One tough ride for so early in the year. Martin and Andy hauling most at the front. Proud to have been the over weight cargo.
    4.5 hours head down. Why? That felt like work but have to get back into it the hard way.
    Thanks guys.
  • Blasting along mostly brilliant roads on several miles of Grunty Fen with an easterly tailwind was a lot of fun. Don't dis da fens folks. One to do again in less Flandrian weather. 1,100ft climbing @ 20.1mph.
  • Is there an EB ride on this weekend?
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