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Accredited Marshal course

Hello all,

As you know our club is a member of the Eastern Road Race League. In our region the majority of races are able to use accredited marshals (of which we already have 2 in our club). Basically AMs are given a big lollipop and are legally allowed to stop traffic, therefore making the races run smoothly and safely.

If you're interested in doing this course and helping out at races in the region (and beyond!) then Ian Doe from BC is running a course on June 17th at the Chelmer CC club house. Details can be found here:


It's a great thing to do for racing and if you have a family member that races and you don't fancy being walloped around the country lanes with them it gives you a chance to get your travel paid, fed and hugely thanked to go and watch them ride around in circles...




  • New for this season (and going forward) is that the Police are requiring road races held in Cambridgeshire to use Accredited Marshals. There is therefore an impetus to increase the number of Accredited Marshals in our area. I encourage more CCA members to become trained and thereby create a fine and vibrant community of people whom can be called on to allow road racing to take place in our region.

    This is important.
  • I was interested in attending this course but unfortunately cannot do that day. will watch for future dates.

    is getting accredited as straightforward as attending this one day course? and what are the obligations in terms of how many races you need to do a year once accredited? thanks
  • OK found it online - 5 races per year.
  • Yes, just the one day course. You are a 'novice' for your first five events after that I think you get sent an official coat. If this is not enough to send you into a spin of delerium your basic BC membership fee is waived as well!
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