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Club 10 Results - 10/5/17

edited May 2017 in Time Trial
Thankfully a much warmer evening with a moderate SE wind and a turnout of 24 riders.
Individual results were mixed, Jess progressed by 1 second and at this rate he should be in the 26s by early August!
Thanks to Roz for overseeing the traffic incident at Wrestlingworth with just one rider delayed, also thanks to Malcom P, Simon D and Robert B for their help.

Results as follows

C Woolsey 20:43 PTT (Spirit - Tifosi RT)
B Ronayne 22:46
J Stuart 22:59
A Collier 23:14 PTT (Hoddesden Tri)
G Davies 23:17
J Field 23:25 (F)
S Bradley 24:00 PTT (Team Trident)
D Wells 24:36
J Davis 24:50
G Lewis 25:07 (J)
A Mussett 26:02 PTT (Team Trident)
K Pringle 26:06
D Hall 26:38 -PB
R Somerset 26:42 PTT (North Road CC)
T Bedford 26:48
R Bumstead 26:48
T Allen 26:51
J Andrews 27:41 (F)
J Lievesley 28:06 - PB
A Bradley 28:19 (F) PTT (Team Trident)
S Pedder 29:10 (FJ)
R Bystry 29:32 PTT (Royston CC)
T Ayers 30:55 (J) - PB (H'cap win)

Well done to Thomas a PB by 1:34 and a free ride next week. Also very good to see Dan and Sophie P with an excellent first ride from Sophie.


  • Thank you all the lovely people who generously gave their time and make it all happen. And Martin for the shout out! Good to see so many out and enjoying the evening :)
  • 1 second- unbelievable! On Strava I am showing as exactly the same time for the last 3 rides ... any bets on hitting it to the second next week?
  • Yes thanks all
  • Thank you everyone for organising / helping out. Nice to have some fine weather at last.
  • Thanks all for marshalling / organising. Well done Tom - you will be under 30 by the end of the season!
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