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CLub 10 Parking issues

Hi All. Please see the message from Guilden Parish council below. We need to get on top of this now or we will be looking for a new venue. Im not sure we will be allowed to use the field to park on on a regular basis and i know there will be football intermittently over the next few weeks so parking will be an issue. It might be that you need to park a good way away from the village hall......Thanks.

"Yesterday at the Village Hall AGM complaints were made about the car parking by cycle club members.

Please could you remind everyone to park legally (10m from junctions, not blocking pavement etc). Maybe people could also be encouraged to car-share.

I believe the club has previously arranged to use the recreation ground. You may wish to do so again. Graham Dellar, copied, is the Parish Councillor responsible for the recreation ground.

It is possible that the local Police Officer may be asked to attend on Wednesday evenings"

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