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Etape du Dales 2017

edited May 2017 in General
This event has traditionally seen a good entry from CCA members but not in 2017? Just wanted to quickly remind folks for 2018 - it is the Yorkshire Dales' answer to the Fred Whitton Challenge. Run by a charity and has that old school non-corporate charm. Money goes to support the Dave Rayner Fund. There are several big sportives in Yorkshire on offer including the Tour of Yorkshire event so a bit more competition for the Etape.

I rode it yesterday in typical spring weather that you'd expect in the north of England. Started damp, cool and drizzly but improved during the day. Unfortunately as the sun came out the wind increased making the second half of the ride tougher. All the usual climbs on offer including Fleet Moss, Buttertubs, Low Row, Tan Hill and Coal Road. Plus all the hilly bits in between. I started out with a friend of mine who was aiming for a sub-7h double (and achieved) in both the Fred Whitton/Etape du Dales. I had hoped to be dragged around by him to get a sub-7h Gold standard. Made it as far as Tan Hill but had to back off and ride at my own pace. From then it was the usual sportive stuff of jumping on groups and getting a welcome tow. Ended up missing the Gold standard by a few minutes but still a really enjoyable day. I also successfully rode through the ford after the climb from Low Row after Vince showed us the way in 2016!

Saw Jane W on Fleet Moss and we cheered each other on. I'd heard that she'd had a nasty crash earlier in the spring so hats off for getting fitness back for the Etape.

Lastly, just a quick plug for the Yorkshire weekends that Geoff is hosting. All the roads that feature in the Etape and more on offer ridden club run stylee. Plenty of Yorkshire hospitality thrown in too!



  • Jeremy, thanks for the write up. Brings back fond memories and well done on the ford. It was remarkably rocky under water and I was glad to have made it out the other side with a bit of momentum. Has to be ridden though.
    Jane who? Never heard of her since she vanished. Jesting, well almost jesting. Hi Jane if you are still out there.
    The Etape is one for next year perhaps. It was a great event that was made so much easier by Dom volunteering to drive.
  • Hello

    After Jeremy's cheery wave on Fleet Moss, I thought I'd better look at t'forum. (Good to see Vince hasn't changed)

    Yorkshire was beautiful for the Etape. Tarmac better than ever and if I close my eyes I can still see the view from Buttertubs, which is sublime (and so much nicer than Tan Hill in a 40mph headwind. Incidentally they still talk of the 2015 event and how grown men were reduced to tears)

    As ever it was immaculately organised by volunteers for the Dave Rayner Fund, with trusty Raynet operators keeping comms open in spite of mile upon mile of wild, uninhabited moorland. Beautiful

    The big challenge for me was to learn to trust my bike again. We both took a battering in February and when I started to ride again I wasn't very stable. It took 3 bike shops and a lot of Wilson-experimenting to get to the bottom of it, by which time I'd spent a month on a wobbly bike (with an equally unstable back/pelvis) and my confidence was gone

    So an event with 3200m climbing plus tricky descents with cattle grids & random sheep, and in all sorts of weather, was a harsh test. It was going to be a make-or-break day for me. V happy to report that the bike performed admirably and I learned to love descending, all over again

    Every year the Etape takes its toll on my body and every year I wonder why I'm riding it and then the painful memories fade and the good ones stick. This year's was an epic for me and I know that already

    Highpoints were 1) peak speed of 80km/hr and properly enjoying it 2) the hand-painted road sign after Stainforth 'Lambs ont road'... How can anyone not love Yorkshire?
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