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Cycling related injuries

Sorry to read about Brendan's recent injury. Get well soon.

This has got me to thinking about what seems to be an increasing theme.
Undoubtedly it's manic down in the SE with the population density, so incidents with other road users will be higher than oop here in the N.
However..........I have noticed that there is a strong preponderance of posts related to Speed, Strava, Racing, T.T. events, and all that goes with this. This usually entails doing stuff that should be reserved for competetive events in the normal ride out and ride back situation.
It's worth bearing in mind that for the most part no club rider is ever going to be a pro. rider. So ultimately it's all about having fun and keeping fit .
I am just wondering if people are getting a bit muddled about when to employ race and go faster techniques.
Just thinking out loud here fellow riders and would appreciate your thoughts.

Going nowhere TOO fast Geoff.
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