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'Road Bikes on Track' Weds @ welwyn velodrome - *****now finished / swapped to track*****

edited March 2018 in General
These sessions have now finished until the end of season and are replaced by weds open track session
info here: http://welwynwheelers.org.uk/sessions


Welwyn are running winter road training sessions on their brilliant facility; the outdoor track/velodrome (Gosling) every Wednesday evening at 7pm for two hours.

Tonight was the second session. It was an incredibly enjoyable evening. A strong mix of female / male attendance. Large age range.

These sessions are open to everyone at CCA who are looking to keep fit over winter, progressively develop form for next season, learn, practice and develop racing skills and learn/develop bike handling (etc) skills in a controlled, safe environment. This doesn't mean you won't get anything out of the sessions if you already do race, quite the opposite actually. It's a great workout (that you probably wouldn't otherwise do over the winter months - let's face it!), and there are always skills to progress and hone with the help and under the oversight of coaches.

Tonight we warmed up for 15-20 minutes, just riding round the track in pairs, getting faster and faster.

After the warmup we did a chain gang exercise. One big group, changing anti clockwise. Very controlled and slick throughout. After about 10 laps we started to progressively ramp up the speed. Called back in for a debrief/drink. Then got back on the track and did chaingang again but this time in the opposite direction (as if the wind direction had changed). A good 15 laps of this, then a whistle to signal to change direction again. All very calm and collected. Speed ramped up significantly again for a few laps, with some people dropping down until we were all called in.

Debrief. then some 40-20 intervals. We got on track, spaced well apart from each other. On the whistle, 20 seconds flat out (to your own ability), 40 seconds rest. 6 times. Two sets. I could only manage one set, having not ridden properly for a few weeks. Cramping. Nothing wrong with that! Just rode up above everyone else and let them get on with it.

Another debrief. Another chaingang. This time we split in to two equally sized groups of different speed abilities, and started at the oppsite side of the track to each other. Steadily ramping the speed of the chaingangs each lap. Very smooth riding. When approachig the slower group, we rode well above them (up the track). Two smooth chaingangs operating on the same track. A really nice feeling. Speed continues to ramp until people drop off, 3 laps to go. Back in.

Debrief. This time we move on to a technical exercise. One hand, no hands round the track. But with a twist, your hand(s) are straight up in the air with your bicep touching your helmet. This is to put you off balance in order to engage core muscles. I could only do the one hand off, not no handed. There were several of us who haven't got this down yet. Again, it really didn't matter - it was a good place to practice. After a few weeks I expect to have this nailed. That's the brilliant thing about these sessions. We did this for a good 15 minutes. Those who could get both hands up had a really good core workout. Great!

The idea behind these sessions is they are going to progressively build race and bike handling skills. The idea for this particular exercise is to be able to, by the end of winter, have us taking our jackets off while riding round, roll them up and put them in your pocket. And do the same the other way round. There will be tonnes of other exercises like handing/receiving bottles. Etc.
The sessions are starting at fairly low intensity - high aerobic - just base miles. As the winter goes on, intensity will build (with our fitness) and will replace the aerobic. Going in to March flying, essentially.

It's a VERY inclusive feel. No one is made to feel bad about not being able to do something. If you can't keep up with an exercise, you just drop down and roll round. Jump back on when you can. Again, the benefit of being on a track. If you're worried about riding on track, you needn't be - it's a really shallow angle so it just feels like riding parallel on any off camber road would. You just stick to the tarmac, and it pulls you round. You'd be amazed. And it's actually a real buzz.

Anyone who does chaingang at CCA would honestly love this. Anyone looking to develop or maintain fitness over winter would love this. It's one of the few things you can do over winter that actually makes you fitter, whilst having fun. A good 16+ showed up today. It's going to be a strong showing all year. Everyone at CCA is welcome, and I'd really recommend it!

Bring layers and gloves! The fast bits you get warm, but when doing technical skills you are not riding at any speed at all, so you'll want a rain cape. Definitely need to be in tights / leg warmers - it's no longer summer!

Come along even just for one session. It will be the best thing you can do for yourself, mid week, over winter! And it's a right laugh, regardless of what fitness level you are at. That's the whole point!

I wanted to take a few pictures at the end of tonight but my phone died after one. I'll take more next week. Hopefully with some CCA jerseys.


I know I've been talking to a few people in the club about this. It's well worth coming. Anybody who's done or misses chaingang - get here! Anybody who wanted to do chaingang, but felt it would be too difficult - this is the chance to learn it and benefit from it.

Wednesday Evening 7pm (be here ideally 10 mins early) Gosling velodrome. £7 (I think) for CCA members. Two very qualified, level 3 coaches. Very worth doing as mid week training.

Show up and give it a try. Ask me anything here.


  • edited September 2017
    Thanks for the write up Nathaniel, the evening went very well.

    Wednesday nights are open to both Welwyn members and non-members and the session is for Youth A riders and older.

    We start at 7pm promptly and there is a first come first served policy up to a maximum of 30.

    Just to confirm, I'm halfway through my level 3 and Ben, the other coach, is about to sta his. We're both level 2 Road and TT and level 2 Track qualified.


  • I did a few of these sessions last winter, found them brilliant. Once I get myself up and running, I'll look forward to getting back on the track to help build my fitness back.

    One tip tho, if its rained during the day prior to the evening session punctures are very likely. The flint seems to come from the banks on either side of the track, so just make sure you've got decent tyres.
  • It's very similar set up on Sat mornings as well. I attend these from 9am, usually 2 hours long. Very impressed with set up.

  • Good session this morning at Welwyn track.
    Warm up for 15 mins.
    Road changes in two groups
    Chain gang two groups increasing tempo
    Chain gang with reversing direction for wind exercise
    Finish line lunges
    Ladder sprint intervals ( with lunges )
    Warm down
    Good friendly group
    Ask If you want to know more

  • PS
    No Saturday morning track next week as event on.
  • These sessions are great, use good winter tyres with puncture protection though! First time I did this I had 3 punctures in a row. I blame Richard, as usual.

    Gatorskins, Duranos or similar will work a treat.
  • Another good evening. 48km of fun

  • Good session out on track tonight

    Equal number of men/women

    Hard one to keep warm
  • 8 down at the brilliant weekly winter Welwyn road racing training session tonight. Including three CCA riders... In the driving rain!

    Excellent training and skills development as ever. Whatever your fitness level. Richard is keen to get the numbers up: so think about it.

  • A good session tonight

    Some CCA turnout as always! (Jenny good to see you!)

    The usual chaingangs, individual ints, climb the hill stacking and bunch sprint practice


  • I've seen Martin L, Nathaniel and others bigging this session up for a while now and finally managed to get down there last night. I'd never ridden on a track before, so was a bit nervous at first, but soon got the hang of it. £5 for CCA members for the 2 hour session. A nice bunch of people with mixed abilities, so I didn't feel (too) out of my depth :-) with Ben and Richard calling the shots. Thoroughly recommended for a good workout and skills. I'll definitely be back for another session. Why not give it a go too?
  • Evening, I'm going to have to call tonight's session off as, despite the rain, there's snow patches still on the track.

    See you all next week

  • I'm going to call RBOT off tonight, although it's ok now the forecast is to freeze and go even lower pretty much at the time of starting. Stay warm, get on the turbo, I'll see you next week. Richard Maynard
  • My informant at the track says that although it's stopped raining, it's still very wet. With this in mind and the falling temperature I'm going to CANCEL tonight's session, apologies, see you lol next week, hope the sun comes out! Richard Maynard
  • RBOT- Early call, tomorrow's session 28/2/18 is cancelled due to the forecast bad weather conditions. Richard Maynard
  • Thanks for staying and helping out today on your own time @""Martin Lawless"
  • edited March 2018
    Thanks Richard and Ben and everyone else involved very much for all these sessions

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