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Cyclocross course building

All you enthusiasts for this sector, I need some help and advice.
I am seriously considering setting a course on the farm up here.
Would be a year or two away and hopefully accepted by BC. as an event course.
I would welcome any club members here to advise on distance, difficulty sectors and natural obstacles.
Any time you are up here competing or close by please let me know and drop by. I can accommodate a small number this time of year. More in spring, summer.


  • It's all about a Bridge, sand and off cambers :-)
  • Thanks Shelton. Your post assumes I know what you are suggesting. I need hands on advice and the location being examined by racers who know, like you do, how to maximise the experience using existing features.
  • Sounds great! Yes, bridge, sand and off cambers and dont forget a good run up, precious few shouldering opportunities down here in the flat lands.
  • Logistics and facilities
  • You’ve certainly got land to make an interesting course which can be embellished to include all the usual features. You are in the CXNE region and it might be worth contacting them to discuss what you are thinking. Seems that there is a farm in Ponteland that gets used quite often for events. CXNE are apparently very helpful to organisers by providing a lot of the paraphernalia including the chip timing. Possibly worth connecting with some of the organising clubs and chat to them about events in the region. Difficult to see how you could make it work without organising clubs providing support on the day.

    I think the biggest challenge for you is parking and access. An event with full fields in all the categories would attract several hundred vehicles coming and going during the day. Difficult to see how that could work. Maybe you have a solution to that worked out?
  • Thanks for suggestions. Will contact local organisation as you suggest Jeremy. Can't see why you need sand. I think that first priority is to set a good course. Bring
    your bikes and family up in the spring and have a break whilst helping me select the best route.
  • so can't stop laughing. Are you all totally nuts?
    You are saying you want a feature which inherently will cause you to tip over the handlebars when you dig the wheel in.
    Won't a nice soft section with mud do instead?
  • Yeah, mud too. Obvs.
  • Still laughing.......... bet they regretted having their mouth open!!! great picture.
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