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Saturday 24th March 9.30am club run
No snow or ice tomorrow - hurrah ! Maybe a bit of damp and drizzle though
How about a flat start and then a few lumps and bumps to finish?
Ashwell-Shepreth-fowlmere-Elmdon-Langley-Anstey-Therfield-Ashwell (41 miles)
You never know it might actually be spring soon........but don't put the mudguards away just yet !
How about a flat start and then a few lumps and bumps to finish?
Ashwell-Shepreth-fowlmere-Elmdon-Langley-Anstey-Therfield-Ashwell (41 miles)
You never know it might actually be spring soon........but don't put the mudguards away just yet !
And then we crossed the 505 and it all got a bit, well Belgian !! Shocking roads, with oodles of potholes, gravel a plenty and a generous smearing of cold slippery mud. Who needs the tour of Flanders hey
Obviously there was a deviation from the above route, so post Langley it was back via Buckland and up the long drag to Therfield before the awesome downhill to the 505 and back via station road.
So bang on 40 miles @ 16, and more mud than you can shake a stick at.
Thanks all, great morning. More random routes next week