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Ladies FOMO spring ride?

New lady here, moved up from London. It's last minute but I looked outside and developed bicycle FOMO. I was beginning to think the existence of the sun was fake news.

So: Just wondering if there are any ladies about who feel like going for a spring ride today, moderate pace, with or without a café stop? I can sort out a route. 40-60k (25-35m); 20-24kph (12-15mph), social riding, nobody gets dropped), happy to go slower or faster depending on who appears :)
Leaving around 1030.

I've been on a few club rides but not met any fellow female riders yet :)


  • Hi Mareike,

    I hope you had a good ride today - it certainly was a great day weather wise. Have you tried the sat club ride? Most of the women in the club tend to be around on the sat ride ( I went on that one today) - I'm not aware of any that go on Sunday's.
    Another lady was also enquiring this week about joining but couldn't make today - am happy to meet you (and them) for an evening ride or on a Sunday if that works out better just give me a shout.

  • Hi Emma,

    Thanks for your reply! I'll try coming along to the regular Saturday sometime soon (unless I go to track). I'm planning to come along on Wednesday evening for the TT as well just to lurk and get to know 'who's who in the zoo' :)

    I'm definitely up for an evening ride sometime though, especially with evenings getting balmy and long. I can do Fridays or Mondays usually. You?

    See you soon I hope!

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