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Smallgains Track Use

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I'm getting reports that people are riding the grass track.Someone today in black and white kit riding the main track ON the Fertiliser just spread.
Some youth under supervision were riding on Thursday. That's OK. The inside line was coned off ......However,

I can't stress strongly enough.........IF YOU WANT the chance of having a half decent track for this event on the 12th......DON'T ride on it. Not only have we had to remark the track because it had strayed off line....The club has spent a lot of money to fill in grooves where the grass had been worn out, re-seed, remark, recut, weed kill, and fertilise . Tim Hector was watering today in order to encourage the grass to grow.

For heavens sake for your club PLEASE use the smaller inside tracks to train. It's not rocket science just plain common sense.
It's been a lousy winter and the grass is late this year.
Given the corrective work the track needed there's only a slim chance of the track recovering in time.
Do your best to help it.....don't spoil it .

I spent 8 hours on the track helping Shelton and meeting with Tim Hector last time I was down from Durham. I don't even ride it or coach now.....be considerate and help Shelton and Tim recover YOUR track. If not you will lose them and your track from overuse and lack of consideration.


  • I haven't yet had a ride on the grass this year yet, but was great to see the kids using it on Thurday, and great they can practice (albeit not on the racing line before the 12th), it's essential for their confidence I think, and a fantastic home advantage to have had some track time!

    The track looks beautiful, its obvious a lot of time and effort has gone into maintaining it.

    Just for clarity, is it ok to use the inner track for training, on the odd occasion it's possible to get across to the track on a day off? Also, if it is, does anyone know the length of the inner track?

    Thanks Mitch
  • edited April 2018
    Hi Dave.

    Thanks for the question.

    It's fine to use the inner tracks. With some help Shelton should have two marked and cut.

    The main track is 333 metres. 35m radius and 56.5m straight.
    It is 5m wide.
    The middle one will be 30m radius and a 4.5m track width leaving a .5m rough strip between and overall length of 300m with 56.5mstraights.
    The small inner will be 25m radius with 4,5 m track width and another 0.5m rough between giving 270m total length with 56.5mstraights.

    It takes about 3 to 4 hours to mark up the tracks and another 2-3 hours to cut.
    They will need rolling.
    The issue is cornering at speed. We worked out long ago that 35m was necessary for an aggressive race for safety. One has to lean and accelerate when cornering and on grass the likelihood to slide off losing traction at too shallow an angle is dangerous in a race and with dew or rain to make it slippier.

    That's why tyre pressure is lower to enhance grip. However, when conditions are dry and the track hard its advisable to increase pressures. Too much angle when cornering is also a contributory factor in the tyre coming off the rim.
    Much to learn and practice in varying conditions to optimise your bike and technique.

    Have fun.
  • edited April 2018
    Just to add....a bit of understanding on why use is restricted.
    To be effective the broadleaf weeds need killing and removing as they increase the tendency to slip. The chemical used to kill them is absorbed through the leaf and goes to the root. If you ride on these before it has taken effect you damage the leaf and prevent the absorption to the root.
    It's just been treated, so any use on the track sets the work back. It is expensive and only targets the weed not the grass.
    Rye grass(narrow blade single rooted plant) is tough , durable and gives good grip. Other varieties (fescue) spread by root rhizomes and form a root mat to give total cover of ground.
    Too much use without a chance to recover strips the mat leaving bare earth.
    The new grass is yet to properly establish and with the poor seasonal weather is late coming through. It needs time to make the root mat. The new grass is tender and needs time to toughen up.
    Cutting at the correct interval encourages grass growth and thickening. Too much cutting will set the grass back. It's a fine balance so please listen to advice from Shelton or Tim Hector who are doing their best to deliver a fine surface to race on.

    This means that after the event it isn't open season on the track to use at will and whenever.
    Ground maintenance is tough and thankless and they need everyones cooperation throughout the season to keep the track as healthy as possible.
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