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edited April 2010 in General
************ Sign up now and get discussing - it takes less than a minute to apply **************

1. Click on 'Sign in' on the top right of screen

2. Click on 'Apply for membership'

3. Fill in the few required details [that remain confidential]

Your application will then need to be approved by the forum administrator. This is a security vetting measure and also to ensure no spam applications get through. You will likely be emailed a simple question to verify your application. Email Martin@ccashwell.com if you would like to quicken application, otherwise it could take a few days - depending on how often I check!

Please keep discussion clean and inoffensive [Certificate U!]. Any discussions that are considered to be possibly interpreted as otherwise could be edited or deleted.

Please note: we no longer accept applications to forum membership from charities without prior discussion with the committee.


* Navigation When you log-on, you will see all discussions - the most active first. If you select a Category, you will be able to focus on that specific topic.

*** Forgotten your password? ***
If you can't remember your password - simply apply for a new membership with a slightly different name [and write down your password on a bit of paper that you can put in a drawer and lose].


Visit www.ccashwell.com if you want to see the club's website. It answers many questions about the club.

CC Ashwell is registered and affiliated to British Cycling, CTC, BTT and the Eastern RR League.

For further information contact; Geoff Godschalk, Telephone 01462 742 837 Email geoff@ccashwell.com
If you have any technical questions - please contact martin@ccashwell.com


  • edited May 2010

    First up, an explanation of what the forum does with pictures: it doesn't upload them to the site - it displays images from other existing sources. This way, the site doesn't get bogged down with costly data.

    So, find your picture hosted anywhere on the net; facebook, flickr etc
    Upload your own picture on to the net. I've tried ImageShack to upload my own pictures - it was effortless enough, a couple of clicks and you can copy the 'Direct Link' code. It also has an option to 'resize' your picture with a basic guide to approx size suitable for different screen sizes. And it's free. And sounds a bit like Radio Shack.

    Once you have chosen or uploaded your picture...

    STEP 1. Copy the address link the picture is hosted at and paste it into the CCA forum 'Enter your comments' box. On a Mac, if I click on a picture while holding down 'Ctrl' on the keyboard, I get the option to 'Copy link'. Not sure this is the same for PCs.

    STEP 2. Highlight the pasted address, and click the 'img' box, the 6th box along, just above the comments box.

    STEP 3. Paste the address into the dialogue boxes that appear. And click 'cancel' on the request to describe the pic.

    Make sure you have the html button on in the 'format comments as' bit below.

    That's it! Write whatever else you want and click 'Start your discussion' to see the final thing. Give it a try with a Test discussion if you like. Dead easy. I'll just delete it afterwards.


    What do all those other buttons do? They are other HTML 'tag' buttons. You might find the first three along useful;
    b - Will make the text bold
    i - Will show text in italics
    link - Quite useful. Allows you to make a web link from words. Like what I've done above for ImageShack.
    The others are quite advanced, and irrelevant for our needs really. 'Del' puts a line thru your text. Why oh why.
    Remember, if you're going to use the tag buttons, you'll need to click on the Html button on 'Format comments'.

    Any problems, let me know here.


    If you click on Account, you can upload an Account icon next to your name.

    Like this one here to the left.

    Easy way - type in '[whatever] icon' on Google Images and download one to your computer. Then when prompted to browse in Account Picture, simply find and select it. Don't forget to press Save at the bottom.

    You can also add an Account picture. Consider your own privacy and confidentiality when uploading here.

    You will notice that when you 'Start a new discussion', you now have the option to 'Whisper your comment to'.

    This lets you send private messages between forum members. You and your recipient will see any Whispered message as marked 'Private' in a similar way to 'Sticky' discussions. No one else will can see or access this discussion.

    The 'Whisper your comments to' box neatly highlights all forum member names as you type - a bit like predictive text. Useful so you don't have to remember the exact forum name spelling of who you want to write to.

    Unfortunately, you cannot Whisper to more than one member in a Whispered discussion. You'd have to copy and paste your text into multiple discussions. I don't think this will happen much though.
  • psssssst......you never know.....secret squirrel club members only
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