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Mid Summer Classic
It's been a couple of years since we had a Mid Summer Classic.
Sunday 7th July - The Lolly Ride
A lovely long ride along Suffolk's Lanes and through it's little villages.
The 124 mile circular route takes in some beautiful Suffolk Wool towns and villages, Clare, Long Melford, Lavenham and Boxford. The far point is a lovely little village called Kersey which is built on either side of a valley with a ford at the bottom and a steep climb out. Whilst there are some A roads they are all quiet ones.
Refreshment options (dependant on numbers) are:
Keddington for a self supported break at 38 miles.
Lunch - two possible cafes at Brent Eleigh or Monks Eleigh at 60 miles or possibly Boxford at 68 miles.
Tea at Bicicletta at Safron Walden at 103 miles or the Audley End mini Railway Station cafe.
8:30am start from the Three Tuns. Even at club run pace we should be back by 5:30 - 6pm.
Let me know numbers so I can book the lunch stop.
Sunday 7th July - The Lolly Ride
A lovely long ride along Suffolk's Lanes and through it's little villages.
The 124 mile circular route takes in some beautiful Suffolk Wool towns and villages, Clare, Long Melford, Lavenham and Boxford. The far point is a lovely little village called Kersey which is built on either side of a valley with a ford at the bottom and a steep climb out. Whilst there are some A roads they are all quiet ones.
Refreshment options (dependant on numbers) are:
Keddington for a self supported break at 38 miles.
Lunch - two possible cafes at Brent Eleigh or Monks Eleigh at 60 miles or possibly Boxford at 68 miles.
Tea at Bicicletta at Safron Walden at 103 miles or the Audley End mini Railway Station cafe.
8:30am start from the Three Tuns. Even at club run pace we should be back by 5:30 - 6pm.
Let me know numbers so I can book the lunch stop.
Mark and Stevie
Paul S
Martin H
Sorry to hear that, get well soon,
Around 80 miles, Toma, Taff and myself went off ahead, picking the speed up we knocked off the 20 miles to Saffron Walden in good time to get some more energy back in us. Although Tesco petrol station just didn’t have a great choice for this...heavy & sickly Red Bull is was.
We decided to avoid the lumps of Chishill and went via Duxford and Fowlmere to keep it flat and fast, were we saw Martin out on his afternoon spin. Good efforts and rotations between us the miles were ticking away, but the legs were also feeling it. Then the final push and sprint into Ashwell that Taff won. The legs were done! We were back at The Tuns for some much needed beers by 6pm. Those 60 miles from where we went ahead were rattled off pretty quickly with an average of just over 20mph. And we certainly felt it.
Last few miles back home to raid the fridge for food and beer and relax. Great day out with great company.
Door to door 143.8 miles at 17.7mph average.
had a problem with the valve. I ended up in Ashwell late and missed you. In hindsight i should have looked at the GPS route and had a go at catching up.
Mark and Stef left us near Haverhill as we felt like pootling back. We did a quick shop raid in Saffron Walden before heading up to Great Chishill. Stevie headed home from there whilst I went back to Ashwell to pick up the car. It was a beautiful evening riding along the ridge to Reed. I got into Ashwell just before 7pm in time to see someone heading off into the distance, I guess from the Tuns. 125 miles for me about 111 for Stevie.
Sorry to hear about your puncture Paul, hopefully next year.