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Results: 12/05/2010

edited May 2010 in Time Trial
On a cold and windy evening, Mark C achieves a PB!....
Results as follows:

1. Andy Saunders 25:44
2. Tim Skelding 26:05
3. Mark Constable 26:28 PB!
4. Ian Foulkes 27:04
5. Phil Adams 27:18
6. Stef Dixon 27:45
7. Martin Lawless 28:28
8. David Jones 32:00

Well done all!

Helpers: Lindsey & John
Asst Helpers: the Foulkes boys


  • Where did that wind come from?

    well done everyone especially Mark for a PB under those conditions!! Also to Martin & Stef which I believe was their first bash at it and both smashing the magical 30!!

    stats updated and will pass to martin or publishing on the web.

    Martin, is there any way to add it to the TT blog each week???

  • Yes, well done chaps and nice to see Martin and Stef with very good first times. Hope you will be back for more now that you are officially "racing cyclists".
    Good on yer.

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