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Ashwell chaingang, May 4th, Tuesday 7pm

edited May 2021 in Chain gangs

I am keeping an eye on the weather. Cold and windy forecast. But so far, so good. Keep an eye on the WhatsApp for the very latest thoughts. Join the Ashwell Chaingang WhatsApp by texting Martin 07977652247

I promised last week to go into Group 2 if required today. If numbers low in either group, then make it a TTT.

Wrap up and see you to set off 7pm Ashwell Three Tuns. Or several minutes later at Steeple Morden church.


  • Oi Spring... you’re on mute.

    Five out tonight. Me. Jess. Carmelo. Baldock David W. Chris L. Very hard with a small group and into strong wind early on. As tough a chaingang as I can remember. Great training.

    Nice and sunny. Bit cold but we all had warm gear on.

    Lap 1: 21.8mph. Lap 2: 22.4mph. Lap 3: 22.6mph (2-up TT me and Chris).

    Next week’s forecast looks a lot more normal. Happy days.

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