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Stone Clearing

edited June 2010 in Youth
Hi all

We are making reasonable progress on the stone clearing but having been up there last night, Geoff has over estimated how far we have come (stone blindness I think!!). There is AT LEAST two thirds of the track still to do.

Despite such a great turnout on the first day (20 people), the last couple of weekends have been difficult due to people's personal plans and only 4 or 5 people have turned up. Could I ask everyone to really make an effort over the next few weeks - even if you are only able to spare 30 minutes - we need to complete this ideally by the end of July in order to spray for weeds and then get ready for seed in August. Plus, after that school holidays and annual holidays will start and progress will be impacted. We also lose 10th of July to Biggleswade Grass Track.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try to come along and take a share of the load - even if it is not in one of the organised slots, you just need a rake! Stewart W, Nigel and I have now all been up there on odd evenings and Sunday mornings and just done small extra bits so just ask yourself if you can do the same even if your weekends are a struggle.

It is a big task and while there are some parents who really have put in a good effort, it would be great to see everyone up there in the next few weeks.

So BE THERE Saturday and Sunday from 2-5 - whatever the length time you can give - and help us get the track ready and fit to ride for all the children.



  • we are HALF WAY there..woo-hooo!!!!.....NOW..breathe a sigh of relief....we need to give the weeds we have mangled and those we would mangle a break for a few days to recover sufficient leaf in order for the weedkiller about to be sprayed a chance to do its work effectively.....so we re-start our efforts on SATURDAY 17th July......
    From discussions yesterday we now have from 17th july until Saturday 28th August inclusive to complete the remaining half of the track.........
    So, Stewart/Gavin/Nigel and Jeff, who have been doing Tuesday and Thursday evenings.....take a break and let's all pitch in hard on 17th......thanks to a goodly bunch of you last Saturday and the Pegg family on Sunday last........We will get there........
  • update for everyone.......stones cleared..buried and removed.......weeds removed....grass seed sown....harrowed and NOW it has grown so a big hooray and thanks to everyone involved.
    we will still have to deal with hardy weeds, roll and reseed bare patches and finally mow, but the best news is that the grass will be well rooted come the spring and should take off well as a result.
    I have concentrated on the top 4 acres and the bottom section still has an excess of surface stone and weed, but this area is not needed for the track and can be used for other activities.
    We hope to establish an outline cross cycling track for winter riding, so watch this space for news.
    Our main concern now is to keep dog walkers off there and deal with those who won't comply and let their dogs foul the ground.
    Any help or advice welcome
  • Put some sheep on it to graze the grass down, then you can shoot the dogs for disturbing the sheep. No more problems..... Better sheep s*** than dog s***. Gun can be supplied, you have the sheep.
  • thanks for this Sam....."boy Farr school of farming" I take it!!
  • Tell them it is private land and they can
    "bugger off"
    sign to this effect should help
    after all this is for the community
    unlike their dogs
    suggest the committee take turns to explain the error of their ways :-)

    PS electric fence
  • Hi Everyone......bring this to the TOP........we have need of any help available to start trimming the hedge surrounding the grass track field.

    Saturday February 12th at 2pm......please bring long shears good gloves and willing hands. Simply stated we need to cut back the hedge inside line to 6feet and now is the right time to do it.

    just drop a line to me or sign in here to confirm you can help

    many thanks

  • Geoff,
    I believe the 12th is the last race in Hillingdon for Youth .. will check .. but can come afterwards..
  • thanks Stewart......good luck to all who are taking part this Saturday and next by the way...........

    any more able to help??
  • Bringing this to the top...anyone with a couple of hours to spare THIS SATURDAY 2pm to 4pm.....we are trimming the hedge around our cycling area down Smallgains Lane.....bring big shears..gloves and willing hands
  • my thanks to you Claire,Tim,Fraser,Rosanna,Charlie,Bianca and Jessica.

    95 metres cut and dragged away....looking round the site we need to tackle Ashwell Street next...I will work to stir a number of others to take some of the load.....

    thanks again

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