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Chain Gang 6th July

edited July 2010 in Chain gangs
Weather looks good for the chain gang tonight. Hope to see you there.


  • Sorry men, can't make it this week, my turn to kid sit again.
    Also, Mark C is abroad this week, so I'm fairly certain you won't see him there tonight either!
  • apologies for incompetence. punctured on 1st lap with a bang and a 1 cm rip in side wall. only when i'd got the front wheel off did i realise that i'd forgot to put my saddle pack back on after a clean and service yesterday... doh. what followed was a farce and can only really be recounted over a beer. it involved a puncture repair kit kindly lent by iain who had also punctured in the same spot, a dodgy pump, a fast baton change to get a 2nd pump from alex on the 2nd lap, two 11 year old girls observing, a second blow out on the way home and a long walk back from bassingbourn... should have listened to my old scout master
  • sorry also for not posting that I would not be out but still feeling crap from last Tuesday (head cold- not nice).
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