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Belgium - the thanks

edited September 2010 in General
A really top-notch weekend of riding and camaraderie. Everyone, I'm sure will have their highlights. Mine were the Kemmelberg, Tyne Cot cemetery and putting the hammer down on the run-in to Bergues.

But as one of those who merely turned up and rode, and hence benefited from the hard work of a great many other club members, I want to say a huge and particular thanks to:

Richard (overall organisation, general tour guidance, much else besides), Vince and Steph (ride leadership and, in the latter's case, for recovering my lost gift to the missus), Martin and Skelders (apparel and trophies) and Tim Hector (for driving me down and back and for negotiating us through the M25 chaos that some of you might just be getting home from).

It's a platitude but without all this the rest of us would have spent the weekend stuck in north Herts with our thumbs up our arses, instead of enjoying most of delights that Flanders has to offer.

Cheers all.


  • I have to second that big time. A huge laugh all round and my wife thinks I look better for it. I don't think I've laughed as much in years - nor ridden those kinds of distances for decades either!

    Adam's already expressed it really well, but thanks to Richard, Stef, Vince, Martin and Skelders. The Saturday ride was epic - the climbs fantastic and the route really good. I particularly enjoyed the ride into Dirksmuide and counting down the kilometres while hanging onto whatever wheel was in front of me. It was also great to meet and talk to all you guys in a setting other than two abreast on the road (and also put some faces to names and names to faces.) And hats off to the hardened drinkers.

    The cemetery and the Menin gate were also really sobering and I'd really love to go back - Richard, could you give us a booklist for some pre-trip reading next time? ;)

    And how about some more battlefield tours - the Somme? Normandy?

    Anyway - cheers to all and thanks

    That's all folks
  • Just like to add my thanks to those already written, and to John for the drive there and back. Top weekend chaps, and look forward to doing it all again next year!

  • I'd like to echo the above. I must say despite the fact i had nothing to drink last night, i found it harder getting out of bed this morning than i did on saturday
    and sunday, maybe that's a reflection on the fact that we would probably all rather get out on the bike then head into work.

    Geoff , Can i borrow your skin coloured one piece number , as i'm entering a daft looking fart competion and reckon i'd win it hands down if i dressed up up in it.

    Only kidding, it was indeed a top weekend on lads banter. Bring on the next one.

    See you all sunday


    PS. Thanks Jeremy for driving , and keeping composed on the M25. I will text you a cycling quizz question later - after school.
  • thanks for the nice words. thanks to everyone who attended for making it a really cracking weekend. my highlights were winning the climb up to cassell, and the speedy run in along the canal yesterday from ypres (31 mph apparently).

    chris b - i've got your certificate - send me your address and i'll stick it in the post (stefan_dixon at hotmail dot com)
    vince, got your certificate and rain cape, will drop them round,

    cheers all.
  • Dear All

    I can only reitterate what has already been said and thank again those who put their own time into making this trip a great success.

    Thanks to those who helped me back on the bike, found my shades and and gave first aid. Interestingly i am more sore today than over the weekend which must be a good indication of the pain killing power of Duvel!!

    Looking forward to next year and will be practising some new moves to try out in whichever local bar we happen to end up in....
  • Guy's
    This was my first trip with the club and what a belter it was,just as above a big thanks to richard,stef & all for the great organization and the battlefield talks.

    A big thanks to john my driver & chris with his apple i phone & google maps for getting back home at sensible time, did we beat james i wonder.

    I thought the court hearings were very funny mainly because i wasnt fined !! .(poor old geoff).

    Thanks to all my fellow riders for towing me along those long canal path's and waiting at the top of the climbs.
    see you all sunday.

    all the best strappy.
  • as per everyone else..a great thank you to the organisers..especially the kangaroo court, a great laugh all round even if I did get hammered by the Richard and Judy show..can't think why really. When John, James and I started these some years back we never imagined they would develop and mushroom into this fantastic club event.......a laugh a minute and some of the best riding and company anyone could wish for.....how about Crecy and Agincourt area next year guys??? any thoughts??
  • Stef and Richard, thanks for everything. Im sure it was at times like trying to organise an unruly bunch of school kids (probably worse!) but hopefully you enjoyed it as much as we did. (great kit too Skelders and Martin)

    Personal highlights....Friday afternoons madcap group ride, (to the locals im sure we looked like some sort of Buster Keaton tribute act)
    Kemmelberg and Cassel climbs
    Saturdays` TTT into Breugen (or whatever it was called, the place with the comedy bells)
    Westmalle triple and Rochefort 10
    Some lovely "coffee" stops
    Good company and good banter

    Personal lowlights.... The breakfast hangovers
    The sight of Geoff at Tyne Cot in his "outfit" (breakfast almost revisited)
    Sat outside the pub on Satuday night, staring into my Duvel feeling slightly "over refreshed"
    stinking clothes (lack of smoking ban, not personal hygeine issues)

    Top fun and having done 185 miles dont need to ride again for a couple of months!

  • All of the above and more. Thanks chaps! Top time. Until the next one eh...
  • Yes, thanks to everyone, especially the organisers (already named) and Tim D and all who straightened my wheel enough to get back to the hotel on Friday, and Chris B and Geoff G for their navigation on the way home. Fantastic weekend and I can't wait for the next one.
  • What a great weekend, this was my fourth and undoubtedly best weekend away with the Ashwell Boys. It had been discussed on previous editions that large numbers couldn't possibly work, how wrong we were.

    Well done to Stef and Richard for their organisational planning, Skelders for the kit and looking so beautiful everyday, Martin L for the great cetificates and badges also for his comedy head in the mornings (Belgian beer is fun) . Geoff for the comedy skin suit and civvies. And finally the rest of you boys for your great sense of humour and fun.

    Oh and the riding wasn't bad either unless you were one of the many amongst the few who fell off, the pain will fade but memories are forever!

    Regards and best wishes.

    Martin H (five O)
  • Dear all,
    agreed what a fantastic time and great company. Only one massive bummer and this will disappoint many.....I genuinely lost my camera on the way to a meeting in London on Tuesday. It is especially disappointing as there was a great group shot in the square after our two beers towards the end of the Saturday ride - the place where Peter tossed his beer over that lovely Lancashire couple. Also the Kemmelberg climbing shots are lost. My only slight hope is that someone trawls through the photos and sees loads of Ashwell CCA kit and does the decent thing. Chances less than 1% but still slightly hoping it will all work out.

    Terribly sorry old fruits. These things tend to only happen to me when I am overworked.

    Brilliant time was had otherwise and look forward to next year.
  • Vince, enough already!
  • Team,

    Thanks for all of your comments. Having started work at 4am on Monday, worked the 50 hrs out of the next 72 and then got into Pine Hill Hospital for 12.30 on Thursday afternoon, I've only just got chance to start reading all of your threads. I'm back home now and trying to work out how we can top this weekend.

    I hope those who were subject of 'prosecutions' in the court aren't too scarred by the experience.

    If I'm able I'll try to walk down to the cemetery on Sunday.

  • ouch Richard...hope to see you Sunday...get well ..hope this one does the trick.
    Cheers for everything...will be a hard trip to top
  • I hope those who were subject of 'prosecutions' in the court aren't too scarred by the experience.

    You'll never take me alive, copper!
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