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  • I'll be there 8.30ish too ready to help.
  • Thanks Vince but we do have teams for signage now...

    Thanks all

    Yes James and Georgie..early as you can really..

    Looks like Dave and Chin will have to go with Scouse and be dropped off should something happen ..i will then pick them up...problem was shortage of drivers..
  • Hi Tim, your kit would be fine, we have a few bits and pieces also.

    Carmelo, Chin and I could use my car so that Chris can continue and follow the race without any delays.

    See you at 08:30.
  • good luck for tomorrow everyone.I hope you have fantastic weather and a good turnout. Hoping CCA can podium this year and that everyone has a puncture free ride.
  • Hi Carmelo sorry for lack of contact will make my way to checkpoint we spoke of as soon as I can hope to get there between 930 and 10 if someone gets me away from work in the morning is that ok?
  • edited May 2012
    Thanks to everyone who made today a great success, especially The Main Man, Carmelo

    Got some excellent feedback from riders, who were impressed that every corner and turn was marshalled brilliantly

    More kudos to CCA- cheers Carmelo
  • Thanks to everyone who gave up their Sunday morning and marshalled today. A fantastically well-organised race. Great to see 3 CCA riders finish near the front, and a great effort from Phil, returning from injury. Hopefully, next year, I will get round without being spat out of the peleton after Cople!
    Cheers everyone
  • Thanks Carmelo, great event without incident although i was a little worried when we got a bus in the race convoy with 5 miles to go! ...a bus, in the country , on a sunday. what are the chances of that? fortunately turned right in Cardington.

    Well done all the riders and many thanks to all the helpers. Good stuff.
  • Great day had by all
    Canteen made £62 profit
    Flap jack sales up , chocolate cake down , all hot drinks :-)

    Well done to Phil racing with a recently recovered broken hand
  • Flapjacks and tea very nice after a few hours stood around in the cold. Note to myself; next time bring a chair and something to eat!

    Well done Carmelo, all the riders and helpers too - great event.

  • well done to everyone associated with CCA today. esp to all you volunteers and Carmelo. Not many incident to report in the race, from the riders perspective. it was pretty steady all way round and I was suprised that such a large group stayed together. My computer said we knocked of the 88km in 2 hours 20mins, for an average of just a shade under 38kph.

    I do need a new pair of shoes though! coming into the last corner into Cople, Cambridge cc rider punctured in front of me and drifted across the road, I was pushed towards the kerb, as was the bloke behind me, his front wheel caught my right shoe and ripped off the clasp!!

    some bad positioning coming into the final hill, meant I was caught at the back and just didn't have any thing left to catch up with the charging bunch.

    well done to Jason and Phil and better luck next time to Iain and Jon.

  • you wimp lee!

    i averaged 30 mph

    ok- i was driving a car, and dragging a commissaire, but my accelorator felt good!

    Respect to all our riders- loved Phil A smashing it off the front on last lap thro warden for the sponsors and tv (for 5 secs/(or mins)!!
  • the chief commissaire also commented on how well marshalled the race was, more kudos
    well done carmello, another great event,
    and thanks to all who rode and helped out in any way - you all did the club proud,
    great photos too!
  • WOW.....What an absolutely incredible event, loved it!

    You folks that marshal every corner, take rider details, ride those motor bikes, drive those cars, tend to the wounded, keep everyone fed and watered, and holler encouragement as the peleton passes are all just brilliant. It's all those wonderful voluntary contributions that, under the professional direction of Camelo, make this such a fantastic event - huge thanks to everyone.

    To the race - Lee's summary above is spot on. Though there were a number of random surges in speed that required everyone to be attentive if a break was to be avoided, and that HILL was, as always, painful. On the final ascent of Col De peine I was in a great position, however, as stood to sprint my calves cramped and it was all over before it even began! Still, all done now and already working of my winning strategy for next year - yea right! Well done to my fellow CCA riders Jason, Lee, Jon and Iain. Pete we missed you today.

    Thanks again everyone.

  • How kind of you to say Phil, unfortunately I continue to ail.
    Glad you all did CCA proud today. Sorry I couldn't make it.

    I know I say it every year but it really would not be possible to have this event without us all pulling together the way we do!....The support I felt around me today was fantastic and I soon realised that any problems could be easily sorted and once again we have been complimented all round for our event...Phil has said it all above but I just wanted to acknowledge you ALL too...!

    Nice pics!
  • A good day was had by all, will there be another race this year! Interesting journey back from Cople..2 marshals 1 rider plus Bike with 2 punctures in a mini.
  • FYI Result Sheet


    Regional B - 89km 2 hours 18 mins

    1. Stephen Nunn Arctic RT
    2. Thomas Dyason East London Velo
    3. Steve Cannings www.twenty3c.co.uk
    4. Glenn McMenamin www.twenty3c.co.uk
    5. Thomas Crouch High Wycombe CC RT
    6. Simon Waldren Stourbridge CC
    7. Dave Langlands Fenland Clarion
    8. Miles Butler London Phoenix CC
    9. Steve Goodman www.twenty3c.co.uk
    10.Michael Ward VC Montpellier
    11.Dave Bamford East London Velo
    12.Nigel Smith London Dynamo
    13.Glyndwr Thomas VC Norwich
    14.Ralph Keeler Cambridge CC
    15.Osama Assem Finchley RT
    16.James Stewart icycle
    17.Jason Stuart CC Ashwell
    18.Matt Garfield Fenland Clarion
    19.Chris Grange Hemel Hempstead CC
    20.Frank Rawlins North Road CC
    21.Edwin Puttock Salisbury Road and Mountain CC
    22.Kevin Jeffries Velo Schils/Interbike RT
    23.Stephen Torley www.twenty3c.co.uk
    24.Mark Hopkins East London Velo
    25.Ian Baynes Hemel Hempstead CC
    26.Mark Tomsett Velo Schils/Interbike RT
    27.Phil Adams CC Ashwell
    28.Julien Lhomme Zappi CC
    29.Nigel Burns St Ives CC
    30.Richard Bloomfield Welwyn Wheelers
    31.Gregg Cremen Kenton Road Club
    32.Richard Stanton ArbisLLP-Roy Pink Cycles
    33.Glenn O'Brien CC Luton
    34.Luke Souter Banbury Star
  • what about moi?
  • you have yet to finish Lee!!! LOL
  • Sorry Lee... I got this from my iPhone video which I took to help with getting top 10 and that was as far as I got.I did appoint people to get numbers from 11th down but haven't been given anything....Anyone help?
  • I wasn't last! and no 52, from st Ives I think finished just in front of me :-)

  • the commissaire wrote down most of the numbers in the lead group coming up final hill and definately got your number Lee,
    not sure what he does with the info
    at a guess i'd say you were 35th!
  • it was a pleasure to help out on such a well drilled event. Excellent job Carmelo and legion of helpers.
    For future reference the local cricket club opened their car park gates around 10.30-11.00am, just after the Shuttleworth corner in Old Warden but nobody used it during the race. Definitely a good idea to keep the race early though as that could cause a bottle neck so close to the Shuttleworth bend.
    The most interesting vehicle that thundered round in the opposite direction to the race was a sherpa tank going to the car rally.
    Great riding CCA. Would love to see us win one year.
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