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Hairy biker Tapas- Friday 16 May

edited April 2014 in Club runs
One to pencil in
Ashwell pub tour Friday 16 th May
Start 8pm, other half welcome
Chips and beer order of the day

We will also ride 5.45 till 7pm from Ashwell if you fancy it

So bikes, beer and hairy behaviour
If you are on let me know



  • Aiming for a podium place in this event!
  • OK for this,

    following a spin in the local area.

  • Won't be able to fit the spin in, probably coming directly from London. Could ride the Brompton solo around the Mordens from the station as a token gesture! Anywhere to get changed into pub gear?

  • Can shower and change at mine if you wish
    good bonding opportunity for anyone else interested

  • dohhhh....its the day before the London Revolution, i know i should be carb stacking the night before the event but not sure lager and chips is what they meant!!!
  • its ok
    you can have lime soda and drive everyone home
    we will even buy your drinks !

  • errr your not exactly selling it to me!!
  • Well did not expect you to be at the finish anyway
    We thought you where playing with the other team now

  • Haha...always at the finish, just second as always.
  • Let me know this weekend if you are on for this
  • Aye, Cap'n. I'm in
  • We will start in the Rose at 8pm
    See how the tide then turns
    Beer, chips and oblivion
    Not too many more posts on this
    See you there

  • sorry London Revolution for me but hope you have a great time
  • Jake and I were wondering if it can be Belgian beer with frites mayo?
  • too middle class for me
    those of us that work for a living ( and on the bike ) like to maintain our working class roots
    but I am sure they will do this when we get to the 3 tuns

    start rough at the rose and end up posh at the tuns
    or is this the wrong way around ?

  • OK chips and ketchup wrapped in newspaper, or maybe a bag of pork scratchings and some pickled eggs washed down with a pint of mild....

    .......does the Tuns' new menu stretch that far.........?!

    FD (lowly deck hand)
  • In true pirate spirit, you can do whatever you like
    as long as we are all in the same pub
    but menu does sound attractive ....or will do on the night

  • How about a different course in each pub, in whatever order you like? For example start with chips in Crown, followed by cheese in B&S and main course in the Tuns? All washed down with (electro)lyte and bitter. Perfect diet for Hairy Biking athletes. Just like Si & Dave

  • Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town,
    Up stairs and down stairs in his night-gown,
    Tapping at the window, crying at the lock,
    Are the children in their bed, for it's past ten o'clock?

    Hey, Willie Winkie, are you coming in?
    The cat is singing purring sounds to the sleeping hen,
    The dog's spread out on the floor, and doesn't give a cheep,
    But here's a wakeful little boy who will not fall asleep!

    Fancy a beer ?
    Well why not

  • more in sorrow !!!
  • Cap'n, have the sun and Spanish mountains gone to your head, or is it your old friend, San Miguel talking?

  • Lol John, maybe he has just started early.....i mean its not like him to take a crafty lead when no ones looking!!
  • Inappropriate ?
    I think not

    Here we go round the mulberry bush,
    The mulberry bush,
    The mulberry bush.
    Here we go round the mulberry bush
    So early in the morning.

    Party !
  • Sounds as if the Hairy Biker Tour to Spain has started early......
  • San Miguel for breakfast, lunch and dinner can do strange things
  • edited May 2014
    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
    All the king's horses and all the king's men
    Couldn't put Humpty together again.

    Get the yoke ?

    My mate Miguel does

  • Whatever you're on Cap'n, I'll have the same...off for De Ronde van Hitchinpubben soon....
  • Sorrow as Mr Miguel and I part company
    back to normal service
    friday night spin and a few pints friday
    I have booked some Spanish weather for later in the week

    conquered the wall of death with Nick
    a few stories to tell

    did you miss me :-)

  • Good to hear that you're back, Cap'n, were you extradited?

    Was the wall of death a Spanish cocktail, perhaps?

    Tell the tales on Friday over a pint or three.

  • Good to hear your back safe and sound, looking forward to riding with you with a few tales of treachery no doubt
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